Mite API helper written in go
This library provides easy access to the mite time tracking api (API not fully covered yet…).
// create a mite api instance
// appName should be a descriptive string for you application (e.g. "my-app/v0.1")
miteAPI := NewMiteAPI(username, team, apiKey, appName)
// now you can use the api
customers, errCustomers := mite.GetCustomers(nil)
if errCustomers != nil {
// handle error
since this library was created for a specific use case not all API endpoints are implemented yet. But I will try to have a fill API coverage asap. The library provides the following options:
Get single time entry
entry, errEntry := miteAPI.GetTimeEntry(id)
Create Time entry
// create a time entry instance
entry := TimeEntry{...}
// pass that instance to the miteAPI
// mite will create the item in the provided userID.
// if the userID inside cannot be written to (coworker to coworker) the entry will be created in the apiKey user.
resp, err := miteAPI.CreateTimeEntry(entry)
Update Time entry
update := &TimeEntry{
// something you want to chance
// send updates to mite
errUpdate := miteAPI.UpdateTimeEntry(id, update)
Delete Time entry
errDelete := miteAPI.DeleteTimeEntry(id)
Get all time entries for a time rangefilters
are a map[string]string and will be passed as GET parameters so they can be anything supported by mite
(check mite docs for more info
// from and to are default golang time.Time instances
entries, errEntries := miteAPI.GetTimeEntries(from, to, filters)
Get grouped time entries
same as get all time entries but the filters support groupBy and the result type is a TimeEntryGroup
groups, errGroups := miteAPI.GetTimeEntriesGroup(from, to, filters)
Get all customers
customers, errCustomers := miteAPI.GetCustomers(nil)
Get customer by name
customer, err := miteAPI.GetCustomerByName(customerName)
Get all users. When archived
is true, the archived users will be returned.
users, errUsers := miteAPI.GetUsers(archived)
Get a user by ID
user, errUser := miteAPI.GetUser(userID)
Get Account
account, errAcc := miteAPI.GetAccount()
Get Myself
Returns the current user
myself, errMyself := miteAPI.GetMyself()
Get a single service by id
service, errService := miteAPI.GetService(id)
Get All services
services, errServices := miteAPI.GetServices(nil)
Get a single project by id
project, errProject := miteAPI.GetProject(id)
Get All projects
projects, errProjects := miteAPI.GetProject(nil)
Create Project
createdProject, err := miteAPI.CreateProject(project)