项目作者: miguelpragier

项目描述 :
GO Golang Utilities and helpers like validators and string formatters
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/miguelpragier/handy.git
创建时间: 2018-06-13T13:10:07Z

开源协议:MIT License


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Handy Go utilities

GO Golang Utilities and helpers like validators, sanitizers and string formatters

Requires GO v>=1.14


None, since v1.1.1

Documentation :green_book:

Quality :point_left:


  1. // CheckEmail returns true if the given sequence is a valid email address
  2. // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.4.1 for details about email address anatomy
  3. func CheckEmail(email string) bool {}
  4. // CheckNewPassword Run some basic checks on new password strings, based on given options
  5. // This routine requires at least 4 (four) characters
  6. // Example requiring only basic minimum lenght: CheckNewPassword("lalala", "lalala", 10, CheckNewPasswordComplexityLowest)
  7. // Example requiring number and symbol: CheckNewPassword("lalala", "lalala", 10, CheckNewPasswordComplexityRequireNumber|CheckNewPasswordComplexityRequireSymbol)
  8. func CheckNewPassword(password, passwordConfirmation string, minimumLenght uint, flagComplexity uint8) uint8 {
  9. // StringHash simply generates a SHA256 hash from the given string
  10. func StringHash(s string) string {}
  11. // OnlyLetters returns only the letters from the given string, after strip all the rest ( numbers, spaces, etc. )
  12. func OnlyLetters(sequence string) string {}
  13. // OnlyDigits returns only the numbers from the given string, after strip all the rest ( letters, spaces, etc. )
  14. func OnlyDigits(sequence string) string {}
  15. // OnlyLettersAndNumbers returns only the letters and numbers from the given string, after strip all the rest, like spaces and special symbols.
  16. func OnlyLettersAndNumbers(sequence string) string {}
  17. // RandomInt returns a rondom integer within the given (inclusive) range
  18. func RandomInt(min, max int) int {}
  19. // StringAsFloat tries to convert a string to float, and if it can't, just returns zero
  20. // It's limited to one billion
  21. func StringAsFloat(s string, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator rune) float64 {}
  22. // StringAsInteger returns the integer value extracted from string, or zero
  23. func StringAsInteger(s string) int {}
  24. // Between checks if param n in between low and high integer params
  25. func Between(n, low, high int) bool {}
  26. // Tif is a simple implementation of the dear ternary IF operator
  27. func Tif(condition bool, tifThen, tifElse interface{}) interface{} {}
  28. // Truncate limits the length of a given string, trimming or not, according parameters
  29. func Truncate(s string, maxLen int, trim bool) string {}
  30. // Transform handles a string according given flags/parametrization, as follows:
  31. // Available Flags to be used alone or combined:
  32. // TransformNone - Does nothing. It's only for truncation.
  33. // TransformFlagTrim - Trim spaces before and after proccess the input
  34. // TransformFlagLowerCase - Change string case to lower
  35. // TransformFlagUpperCase - Change string case to upper
  36. // TransformFlagOnlyDigits - Filter/strip all but digits
  37. // TransformFlagOnlyLetters - Filter/strip all but letters
  38. // TransformFlagOnlyLettersAndDigits - Filter/strip all but numbers and letters. Removes spaces, punctuation and special symbols
  39. // TransformFlagHash - Apply handy.StringHash() routine to string
  40. func Transform(s string, maxLen int, transformFlags uint8) string {}
  41. // MatchesAny returns true if any of the given items matches ( equals ) the subject ( search parameter )
  42. func MatchesAny(search interface{}, items ...interface{}) bool {}
  43. // HasOnlyNumbers returns true if the sequence is entirely numeric
  44. func HasOnlyNumbers(sequence string) bool {}
  45. // HasOnlyNumbers returns true if the sequence is entirely composed by letters
  46. func HasOnlyLetters(sequence string) bool {}
  47. // TrimLen returns the runes count after trim the spaces
  48. func TrimLen(text string) int {}
  49. // CheckMinLen verifies if the rune-count is greater then or equal the given minimum
  50. // It returns true if the given string has length greater than or equal than minLength parameter
  51. func CheckMinLen(value string, minLength int) bool {}
  52. // IsNumericType checks if an interface's concrete type corresponds to some of golang native numeric types
  53. func IsNumericType(x interface{}) bool {}
  54. // Bit returns only uint8(0) or uint8(1).
  55. // It receives an interface, and when it's a number, and when this number is 0 (zero) it returns 0. Otherwise it returns 1 (one)
  56. // If the interface is not a number, it returns 0 (zero)
  57. func Bit(x interface{}) uint8 {}
  58. // Boolean returns the bool version/interpretation of some value;
  59. // It receives an interface, and when this is a number, Boolean() returns flase of zero and true for different from zero.
  60. // If it's a string, try to find "1", "T", "TRUE" to return true.
  61. // Any other case returns false
  62. func Boolean(x interface{}) bool {}
  63. // Reverse returns the given string written backwards, with letters reversed.
  64. func Reverse(s string) string {}
  65. // CheckPersonName returns true if the name contains at least two words, one >= 3 chars and one >=2 chars.
  66. // I understand that this is a particular criteria, but this is the OpenSourceMagic, where you can change and adapt to your own specs.
  67. func CheckPersonName(name string, acceptEmpty bool) uint8 {}
  68. // InArray searches for "item" in "array" and returns true if it's found
  69. // This func resides here alone only because its long size.
  70. // TODO Embrace/comprise all native scalar/primitive types
  71. func InArray(array interface{}, item interface{}) bool {}
  72. // ArrayDifferenceAtoB returns the items from A that doesn't exist in B
  73. func ArrayDifferenceAtoB(a, b []int) []int {}
  74. // ArrayDifference returns all items that doesn't exist in both given arrays
  75. func ArrayDifference(a, b []int) []int {}
  76. /* DateTime Routines */
  77. // DateTimeAsString formats time.Time variables as strings, considering the format directive
  78. func DateTimeAsString(dt time.Time, format string) string {}
  79. // StringAsDateTime converts a date-time string using given format string and return it as time.Time
  80. func StringAsDateTime(s string, format string) time.Time {}
  81. // CheckDate validates a date using the given format
  82. func CheckDate(format, dateTime string) bool {
  83. // CheckDate returns true if given sequence is a valid date in format yyyymmdd
  84. // The function removes non-digit characteres like "yyyy/mm/dd" or "yyyy-mm-dd", filtering to "yyyymmdd"
  85. func CheckDateYMD(yyyymmdd string) bool {}
  86. // YMDasDateUTC returns a valid UTC time from the given yyymmdd-formatted sequence
  87. func YMDasDateUTC(yyyymmdd string, utc bool) (time.Time, error) {}
  88. // YMDasDate returns a valid time from the given yyymmdd-formatted sequence
  89. func YMDasDate(yyyymmdd string) (time.Time, error) {}
  90. // ElapsedMonths returns the number of elapsed months between two given dates
  91. func ElapsedMonths(from, to time.Time) int {}
  92. // ElapsedYears returns the number of elapsed years between two given dates
  93. func ElapsedYears(from, to time.Time) int {}
  94. // YearsAge returns the number of years past since a given date
  95. func YearsAge(birthdate time.Time) int {}
  96. /* Brazilian specific routines */
  97. // CheckCPF returns true if the given sequence is a valid cpf
  98. // CPF is the Brazilian TAXPayerID document for persons
  99. func CheckCPF(cpf string) bool {}
  100. // CheckCNPJ returns true if the cnpj is valid
  101. // Thanks to https://gopher.net.br/validacao-de-cpf-e-cnpj-em-go/
  102. // CNPJ is the Brazilian TAXPayerID document for companies
  103. func CheckCNPJ(cnpj string) bool {}
  104. // AmountAsWord receives an int64 e returns the value as its text representation
  105. // Today I have only the PT-BR text.
  106. // Ex: AmountAsWord(129) => "cento e vinte e nove"
  107. // Supports up to one trillion and does not add commas.
  108. func AmountAsWord(n int64) string {}
  109. /* Web/HTTP Specific Routines */
  110. // HTTPRequestAsString gets a parameter coming from a http request as string, truncated to maxLenght
  111. // Only maxLenght >= 1 is considered. Otherwise, it's ignored
  112. func HTTPRequestAsString(r *http.Request, key string, maxLenght int, transformOptions ...uint8) string {}
  113. // HTTPRequestAsInteger gets a parameter coming from a http request as an integer
  114. // It tries to guess if it's a signed/negative integer
  115. func HTTPRequestAsInteger(r *http.Request, key string) int {}
  116. // HTTPRequestAsFloat64 gets a parameter coming from a http request as float64 number
  117. // You have to inform the decimal separator symbol.
  118. // If decimalSeparator is period, engine considers thousandSeparator is comma, and vice-versa.
  119. func HTTPRequestAsFloat64(r *http.Request, key string, decimalSeparator rune) float64 {}
  120. /* Other Routines */
  121. // CheckPersonNameResult returns a meaningful message describing the code generated bu CheckPersonName
  122. // The routine considers the given idiom. The fallback is in english
  123. func CheckPersonNameResult(idiom string, r uint8) string {}
  124. // CheckNewPasswordResult returns a meaningful message describing the code generated bu CheckNewPassword()
  125. // The routine considers the given idiom. The fallback is in english
  126. func CheckNewPasswordResult(idiom string, r uint8) string {}