A tiny, simple static file web server.
I use and recommend https://static-web-server.net/
A tiny, simple static web server written in Go.
Windows binaries are available from the Sheret Releases page on GitHub. Download and extract the binary to anywhere on your filesystem. There are no dependencies.
Usage: sheret [options]
-d string
directory to serve from (default ".")
-f string
log to disk path [./sheret.log]
-p string
port to serve on (default "8100")
-q suppress all logging
-b do not open default browser
-h show usage help
After downloading, you can start Sheret simply with sheret
from the command line. By default, Sheret will begin serving from the directory it is located, on HTTP port 8100. Sheret will log all activity to the console. To terminate Sheret, simply type CTRL+C in the console window.
The console window will log all requests, and pretty print both URL Parameters
as well as POST
request variables for easier debugging.
2020/04/19 22:06:18 Sheret v1.2 serving . on HTTP port: 8100
2020/04/19 22:06:18 -- Press CTRL-C to terminate --
2020/04/19 22:06:19 [::1]:43578 GET /
2020/04/19 22:06:46 [::1]:43578 GET /?urlvar1=abc&urlvar2=def
2020/04/19 22:06:46 URL: urlvar1 = abc
2020/04/19 22:06:46 URL: urlvar2 = def
2020/04/19 22:06:46 ---- End Data. 2 Values Received ----
2020/04/19 22:07:05 [::1]:43578 POST /?urlvar1=abc&urlvar2=def
2020/04/19 22:07:05 URL: urlvar1 = abc
2020/04/19 22:07:05 URL: urlvar2 = def
2020/04/19 22:07:05 POST: selector = Option 02
2020/04/19 22:07:05 POST: texter = 789
2020/04/19 22:07:05 POST: radio2 = on
2020/04/19 22:07:05 POST: checker = on
2020/04/19 22:07:05 POST: inputer = 123
2020/04/19 22:07:05 ---- End Data. 7 Values Received ----
The -f option will enable logging to disk. All console output from Sheret will also be saved in sheret.log
next to the executable.
PRs accepted. Submit any suggestions or corrections via a GitHub pull request. Support via GitHub issues is limited.
This is a simple tool meant for developers to test local code. It is 100% based on Golangs included HTTP library. No security related code or testing has been added by the author. This tool is not meant for production use, or even any type of server which connects directly to a public network. No guarantee is provided or implied.
*v1.21 - May 8, 2020
New: Add flag to disable open system browser on launch
*v1.2 - April 19, 2020
New: Remove folder creation in zipped release by packaging script
New: Reduce binary size (2mb!) by stripping debug information during build
New: Log both URL Params and POST Vars. Simplify output
New: Open system browser to root on launch
Internal: Fix some whitespacing in code (Yak shave!)
Internal: Add notification and pause to release packaging script
*v1.1 - April 14, 2020
Remove hardcoded logfile path. -f parameter works now
Better error handling and messages when logpath fails
Improve quiet mode for complete quiet
Release without UPX packing to prevent false positive with AV tools
Improve default HTML page
New build/release scripts
*v1.0 - May 26, 2017
Initial Release
Perhaps the next version… perhaps never. :) PR requests will help!
GPL v3 © Ethan Piliavin