The history and evolution of the Unix operating system is made available
as a revision management repository, covering the period from its
inception in 1970 as a 2.5 thousand line kernel and 26 commands,
to 2018 as a widely-used 30 million line system. The 1.5GB repository
contains about half a million commits and more than two thousand merges.
The repository employs Git system for its storage and is hosted on GitHub.
It has been created by synthesizing with custom software 24 snapshots of
systems developed at Bell Labs, the University of California at Berkeley,
and the 386BSD team, two legacy repositories, and the modern repository
of the open source FreeBSD system.
In total, about one thousand individual contributors are identified,
the early ones through primary research.
The data set can be used for empirical research in software engineering,
information systems, and software archaeology.
You can read more details about the contents, creation, and uses of this
repository through this link.
Two repositories are associated with the project:
The project has achieved its major goal with the establishment of a continuous timeline from 1970 until today. The repository contains:
The files appear to be added in the repository in chronological order according to their modification time, and large parts of the source code have been attributed to their actual authors. Commands like git blame
and git log
produce the expected results.
The repository contains a number of two-way merges.
Blame is apportioned appropriately.
The following tags or branch names mark specific releases, listed in rough chronological order.
A detailed description of the major tags is available in the
file releases.md.
More tags and branches are available.
branches denote commits that have been synthesized from a time-ordered sequence of a snapshot’s files.-VCS-Development
tags denote the point along an imported version control history branch where a particular release occurred.The easiest thing you can do is to
watch the repository’s Gource Visualization.
If you have a broadband network connection and about 1.5GB of free disk space,
you can download the repository and run Git commands that go back decades.
git clone https://github.com/dspinellis/unix-history-repo
git checkout BSD-Release
to get a local copy of the Unix history repository.
git log --reverse --date-order
will give you commits such as the following
commit 64d7600ea5210a9125bd1a06e5d184ef7547d23d
Author: Ken Thompson <ken@research.uucp>
Date: Tue Jun 20 05:00:00 1972 -0500
Research V1 development
Work on file u5.s
Co-Authored-By: Dennis Ritchie <dmr@research.uucp>
Synthesized-from: v1/sys
commit 4030f8318890a026e065bc8926cebefb71e9d353
Author: Ken Thompson <ken@research.uucp>
Date: Thu Aug 30 19:30:25 1973 -0500
Research V3 development
Work on file sys/ken/slp.c
Synthesized-from: v3
commit c4999ec655319a01e84d9460d84df824006f9e2d
Author: Dennis Ritchie <dmr@research.uucp>
Date: Thu Aug 30 19:33:01 1973 -0500
Research V3 development
Work on file sys/dmr/kl.c
Synthesized-from: v3
commit 355c543c6840fa5f37d8daf2e2eaa735ea6daa4a
Author: Brian W. Kernighan <bwk@research.uucp>
Date: Tue May 13 19:43:47 1975 -0500
Research V6 development
Work on file usr/source/rat/r.g
Synthesized-from: v6
commit 0ce027f7fb2cf19b7e92d74d3f09eb02e8fea50e
Author: S. R. Bourne <srb@research.uucp>
Date: Fri Jan 12 02:17:45 1979 -0500
Research V7 development
Work on file usr/src/cmd/sh/blok.c
Synthesized-from: v7
Author: Eric Schmidt <schmidt@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Sat Jan 5 22:49:18 1980 -0800
BSD 3 development
Work on file usr/src/cmd/net/sub.c
git checkout Research-Release
git log --follow --simplify-merges usr/src/cmd/c/c00.c
to see dates on which the C compiler was modified.
git blame -C -C usr/sys/sys/pipe.c
to see how the Unix pipe functionality evolved over the years.
3cc1108b usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1974-11-26 18:13:21 -0500 53) rf->f_flag = FREAD|FPIPE;
3cc1108b usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1974-11-26 18:13:21 -0500 54) rf->f_inode = ip;
3cc1108b usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1974-11-26 18:13:21 -0500 55) ip->i_count = 2;
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 122) register struct inode *ip;
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 123)
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 124) ip = fp->f_inode;
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 125) c = u.u_count;
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 126)
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 127) loop:
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 128)
1f183be2 usr/sys/sys/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1979-01-10 15:19:35 -0500 129) /*
9a9f6b22 usr/src/sys/sys/pipe.c (Bill Joy 1980-01-05 05:51:18 -0800 130) * If error or all done, return.
9a9f6b22 usr/src/sys/sys/pipe.c (Bill Joy 1980-01-05 05:51:18 -0800 131) */
9a9f6b22 usr/src/sys/sys/pipe.c (Bill Joy 1980-01-05 05:51:18 -0800 132)
9a9f6b22 usr/src/sys/sys/pipe.c (Bill Joy 1980-01-05 05:51:18 -0800 133) if (u.u_error)
9a9f6b22 usr/src/sys/sys/pipe.c (Bill Joy 1980-01-05 05:51:18 -0800 134) return;
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 135) plock(ip);
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 136) if(c == 0) {
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 137) prele(ip);
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 138) u.u_count = 0;
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 139) return;
6d632e85 usr/sys/ken/pipe.c (Ken Thompson 1975-07-17 10:33:37 -0500 140) }
You can help if you were there at the time, or if you can locate a
source that contains information that is currently missing.
in theThe -make repository is provided to share and document the creation process, rather than as a bullet-proof way to get consistent and repeatable results. For instance, importing the snapshots on a system that is case-insensitive (NTFS, HFS Plus with default settings) will result in a few files getting lost.
and Git::FastExport
sudo cpanm VCS::SCCS Git::FastExport
package).The -repo repository can be created with the following commands.
If you want to add a new source without running the full import process,
you can do the following.
to the repo directory
perl ../import-dir.pl [-v] -m Research-V7 -c ../author-path/Bell-32V \
-n ../bell.au -r Research-V7 -i ../ignore/Bell-32V \
$ARCHIVE/32v Bell 32V -0500 | gfi
Data set versioned DOI:
Software versioned DOI: