项目作者: amindeed

项目描述 :
🗓 Basic Bootstrap frontend to Google Calendar
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/amindeed/Calendar-Frontend.git
创建时间: 2020-03-14T18:58:09Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Calendar Frontend

Basic responsive Bootstrap frontend to Google Calendar with backend Google Apps Script code.

Best suited for users (typically office users), who are more tied to their desktop email clients than to mobile and web applications, and want a quick way to set reminders on the fly.
The user will receive a notification from calendar-notification@google.com to his Google Mail inbox on the selected date. These notifications can then be easily filtered and forwarded to any other email address.


Manual :

  1. While logged in to your Google account, go to Apps Script Dashboard and create a new project by clicking on + New script.
  2. Create a script file calendar-frontend.gs under the project and copy the content of calendar-frontend.js into it.
  3. Create a HTML file index.html and copy the content of index.html into it.
  4. Go to Publish -> Deploy as web app and apply the following settings:
    • Project version: New
    • Execute the app as: Me
    • Who has access to the app: Only myself
    • Click Update
  5. Go to the URL under Current web app URL (web app URL)
  6. Confirm Apps Scripts authorizations.

Command Line :

Using clasp command line tool :

  1. clasp login
  2. clasp create --type webapp --title "Calendar Frontend Dev"
  3. # Copy the URL of the created Apps Script project
  4. clasp push --force
  5. # Go to the Apps Script project URL
  6. clasp deployments
  7. # 1. Copy the deployment ID of @HEAD (dev version with latest code).
  8. # 2. Go to either :
  9. # - G-Suite Account : https://script.google.com/a/{yourdomain.com}/macros/s/{Deployment-ID}/dev
  10. # - Free Account : https://script.google.com/macros/s/{Deployment-ID}/dev


You can try it here: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyJAb5tyhU9j73o0fluMah0toXzjkNguafQ9HOxYxjf85qdS5o/exec

Animated Gif Demo

Please, note that this demo is hosted by a free Google account, which is subject to Apps Script services quotas and limitations.

To later revoke app’s access to your data, follow the steps described here: Revoking access rights | Authorization for Google Services | Apps Script


  • Select due time (current version set the reminder to 8:00AM)
  • List, edit and delete created/upcoming reminders

Used components

  • Google Apps Script
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Bootstrap-datepicker 1.7.1
  • Font Awesome 4.4


Copyright © 2018 Amine Al Kaderi

This software is released under the GNU GPLv3 license. For more information read the license.