项目作者: cjdriod

项目描述 :
An open source Python scripts that design to pull data from Google Spreadsheet and compile data into several JSON files
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/cjdriod/Spreadsheet-to-Json.git
创建时间: 2021-02-17T17:09:12Z

开源协议:MIT License


📜 Spreadsheet to JSON converter

This is a python scripts for retrieving Google spreadsheet content and convert data into JSON files

Use case:

  • Get a list of user responses for each question from a Google Form result
  • Generate locale files for you application by getting value from your spreadsheet [example project spreadsheet]


🔨 Installation


  • Python - Version 3.7 or greater
  • The pip package management tool
  • Google Account

Basic usage

Install virtualenv via pip:

  1. $ pip install virtualenv

Test your installation:

  1. $ virtualenv --version

  1. Create a virtual environment for a project

    1. $ cd project_folder
    2. $ virtualenv venv
  2. To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated
    $ source venv/bin/activate

window platform:

  1. 3. Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. 4. Create a `.env` file, you can refer `.env.example` file or [environment configuration below](#required-variables)
  2. 5. Get login credential JSON file from Google Cloud Spreadsheet service and save the file to `./data` directory
  3. ps: You can get the file from [this steps](https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/python?authuser=1#step_1_turn_on_the)
  4. ## ⚙️ Config Environment Variables
  5. ### Required variables
  6. | Key | Type | Description |
  7. |-------------------------|--------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  8. | SOURCE_1_NAMESPACE | String | An identifier for the current task, also the output folder name in your output directory. |
  9. | SOURCE_1_SPREADSHEET_ID | String | Your Google Spreadsheet sheet ID number.<br> E.g. `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FhgZIa07IStNoei-Yt61JjJeGh-EIqqMxm6vLE85_wc/edit#gid=0` <br /><br /> `SOURCE_1_SPREADSHEET_ID = 1FhgZIa07IStNoei-Yt61JjJeGh-EIqqMxm6vLE85_wc` |
  10. | SOURCE_1_SHEET_NAME | String | The Google Spreadsheet sheet name that you want to get data from. <br /> E.g. `SOURCE_1_SHEET_NAME = Demo` <br /><br /> ![spreadsheet sheet name screenshot](public/image/spreadsheet_sheet_name_screenshot.PNG) |
  11. ### Optional variables
  12. | Key | Type | Description | Default |
  13. |---------------------------------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------|
  14. | SOURCE_1_SHEET_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME | String | A unique key for your record also the key value for your json object, the script will auto select A1 column value from your spreadsheet if this variable is not set. | Spreadsheet A1 column value |
  15. | SOURCE_1_SHEET_CUSTOM_RANGE | String | Sheet range that you would like to export only.<br>E.g. `SOURCE_1_SHEET_CUSTOM_RANGE = B1:O` means highlight from `B1` column to entire `o` column<br><br>Refers [Google Spreadsheet range annotation guide](https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts#a1_notation) for more details | All data in your spreadsheet |
  16. | LOCALHOST_PORT | Number | Google OAuth 2.0 service authentication page hosting port number. | 0 |
  17. | EMPTY_DATA_FILTER | Boolean | This value is for removing empty values in your record. | False |
  18. | CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME | String | The credential file that provided by Google Cloud when enabling the Spreadsheet API service. <br>E.g. `credentials.json -> SOURCE_1_CREDENTIAL_FILE_NAME = credentials`<br><br>Refers [Google Spreadsheet documentation](https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/python?authuser=1#step_1_turn_on_the) steps to get the credential file.<br><br>***Note: Exclude file extension name*** | credentials |
  19. | ACCESS_TOKEN_FILE_NAME | String | File name that store your session access token.<br> | token |
  20. | DEFAULT_OUTPUT_URI | String | Target directory that you want to export your JSON result to | output |
  21. > **Extra environment variables**
  22. > This script reserve another sets of environment variable to perform 2 jobs in 1 script run.
  23. > Below are the extra environment variables:
  29. >
  30. > Note: You can add more variables and modify the scripts based on your needs
  31. ## 🎄 Additional Configuration
  32. Additional configuration files settings
  33. _Ps: These are not environment variables_
  34. **Note: Both configuration files(JSON) mention below must be stored in `/data` directory**
  35. > **artifact-export-lookup-table.json**
  36. > This file teaches the script how to export the result you get from the spreadsheet
  37. >

“english”: “locale-en”, // “column_name”: “export_file_name_ONLY_without_file_extention”
“chinese”: “locale-zh”

  1. **preset-directory.json**
  2. Render pre-defined output directory profile selection interface(CLI)

“directories”: [
“index”: “1”, <——————————————— The selection ID,
“name”: “Profile 1”, <———————————- The Selection display name
“path”: “D:\SpreadsheetExport\Profile1” <— Output base directory absolute file path
“index”: “2”,
“name”: “Profile 2”,
“path”: “D:\SpreadsheetExport\Profile2”

Environment file support
This project uses python-decouple 3.4 for environment variable control
Supported environment variable file:

  1. ini file
  2. .env file (author selection)

🩹 Limitation

  • Only design to export JSON file
  • Unable to performs multiples sheet range data capture and column data formatting feature which supported by
    Google Spreadsheet.

Happy Coding~ you can modify the script based on your needs 🏀

⚔️ Contributing

Pull requests are welcome.

Commit message format

We are following Semantic Commit Messages approach
Format: <type>: <subject>

  1. feat: add hat wobble
  2. ^--^ ^------------^
  3. | |
  4. | +-> Summary in present tense.
  5. |
  6. +-------> Type: chore, docs, feat, fix, refactor, style, or test.
  • feat: (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
  • fix: (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
  • docs: (changes to the documentation)
  • style: (formatting, spacing, etc; no production code change)
  • refactor: (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
  • test: (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
  • chore: (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)

Pull request (PR) title and description formatting

The title of the PR same as commit message format above
The PR description can be added for more context references


Please use linting tools below to ensure your pull request compliance with PEP 8 standard

  • SonarLint
  • Pylint

Note: The maintainer reserved the rights to NOT merge the PR, if failed to follow any requirement listed above

🎊 Authors and Acknowledgment

📝 License
