An Alpine Linux based Docker image for the Gophernicus Gopher server.
An Alpine Linux based Docker image for the Gophernicus Gopher server.
Do you just want to run a simple Gopher service? Do you not want to mess the hassle of setting up old-school inetd/xinetd/systemd sockets/etc? Are you already running all your other services as containers? Me too!
This image runs Gophernicus via xinetd on an Alpine Linux base for a Docker image that weighs in at just a smidge under 7MB. Set your hostname, map your favorite volume at /var/gopher
, bind port 70 and go!
docker run --name gophernicus \
--hostname <your gopher hostname> \
-p 70:70 \
-v <your gopher root>:/var/gopher \
Set the hostname of your container to the FQDN of your gopher site to ensure that links work correctly.
The majority of Gophernicus settings can be configured via environment variables. All Gophernicus defaults apply except where otherwise noted.
PORT Server Port (-p, default 70)
GOPHER_ROOT Document root (-r, default: /var/gopher)
DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE Default Gopher file type (-t)
GOPHER_MAPFILE Gophermap file (-g)
GOPHER_TAGFILE Gophertag file (-a)
CGI_DIR CGI script directory (-c)
USER_DIR Name of personal gopherspace directory to find in user home dirs (-u)
LOG_FILE Filename to write apache style access logs (-l, default /var/log/gophernicus.log)
DEFAULT_WIDTH Default page width (-w)
DEFAULT_CHARSET Default character set (-o)
SESSION_TIMEOUT Session timeout in seconds (-s)
MAX_HITS Maximum hits before throttling (-i)
MAX_TRANSFER_KB Maximum transfer in kb until throttling (-k)
FILTER_DIR Directory for output filters (-f)
Some configuration arguments can be set by defining environment variables with any value:
DISABLE_VHOSTS Disable virtual hosts (-nv)
DISABLE_PARENT_DIR_LINKS Disable parent directory links (-nl)
DISABLE_HEADER Disable menu header (-nh)
DISABLE_FOOTER Disable menu footer (-nf)
DISABLE_MENU_METADATA Disable dates and filesizes in menus (-nd)
DISABLE_CONTENT_DETECTION Disable file content detection (-nc)
DISABLE_CHARSET_CONV Disable character set conversion (-no)
DISABLE_QUERY_STRINGS Disable HTTP style query strings (-nq)
DISABLE_SYSLOG Disable logging to syslog (-ns)
DISABLE_AUTOGEN_CAPS Disable autogenerated caps.txt (-na)
DISABLE_SERVER_STATUS Disable server status endpoint (-nt)
DISABLE_HAPROXY Disable HAProxy protocol support (-np)
DISABLE_EXECUTABLES Disable executable scripts (-nx)
DISABLE_USERDIRS Disable personal gopherspaces in homedirs (-nu)