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项目作者: valeriechizhang

项目描述 :
A multi-user blog where users can create blog posts and interact with others' blog posts.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/valeriechizhang/blog.git
创建时间: 2017-01-16T22:16:44Z




This is a python web application using Google App Engine.

You can view a live demo here: https://blog-155822.appspot.com/


  1. User registration and log in.
  2. Create, edit, or delete his/her own blog posts.
  3. Like and leave comments on existing blog posts.
  4. User can edit or delete his/her own comments.
  5. User doesn’t need to log in again using the same browser, unless he/she chooses to log out.

Reference: Udacity Nanodegree Course in Full Stack Web Developer

How to run:

  1. Install Google App Engine SDK: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/php/download
  2. Download the project.
  3. In the project directory, run command:
    dev_appserver.py app.yaml
  4. View the project at http://localhost:8080/
  • Run this command if you wish to run the project on a different port
    dev_appserver.py app.yaml —port=[PORT_NUMBER] app.yaml