项目作者: mani-barathi

项目描述 :
A Snapchat Clone Built using React and Firebase
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/mani-barathi/Snapchat-Clone.git
创建时间: 2021-01-11T15:39:17Z



SnapChat Clone

A Snapchat clone inspired from Sunny Sangha’s Youtube video. I Changed the Design to my own liking and also made the website responsive.

Click Here to see the live Demo


  • Upload Snaps directly by Taking photo from Camera
  • Google Authentication for Sign In

Technology Used

  • React (FrontEnd)
    • react-router-dom - To manage routing between different pages(Login, Home, Webacm)
    • react-webcam - To capture photos from camera
    • react-timeago - To give a realtime DateTime update for Snaps
    • context-api - To manage Global state across all Components
  • Firebase - Baas (Backend as a Service)
    • Firestore - NoSQL database
    • Authentication - Google Authentication
    • Storage - Cloud Storage for uploading and saving Images

Component Tree

To run this on Local machine

  • Clone the repo, install all the dependcies from package.json
  • Create a firebase project and replace all the Project keys in ‘src/firebase.js’
  • Turn on Google Authentication in your firebase authentication console
  • Run app by typing npm startin command line