项目作者: joseluisq

项目描述 :
A simple Unix IPC Socket client for Go.
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/joseluisq/goipcc.git
创建时间: 2020-11-17T13:03:48Z



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A simple Unix IPC Socket client for Go.

NOTE: For more flexibility try joseluisq/gonetc instead.


  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "log"
  4. "strings"
  5. "github.com/joseluisq/goipcc"
  6. )
  7. func main() {
  8. // Code for example purposes only
  9. // 1. Create a simple listening Unix socket with echo functionality
  10. // using the `socat` tool -> http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/
  11. // Then execute the following commands on your terminal:
  12. // rm -f /tmp/mysocket && socat UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/mysocket,fork exec:'/bin/cat'
  13. // 2. Now just run this client code example in order to exchange data with current socket.
  14. // go run examples/main.go
  15. // 2.1 Connect to the listening socket
  16. sock := goipcc.New("/tmp/mysocket")
  17. err := sock.Connect()
  18. if err != nil {
  19. log.Fatalln("unable to communicate with socket:", err)
  20. }
  21. // 2.2 Send some sequential data to current socket (example only)
  22. pangram := strings.Split("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", " ")
  23. for _, word := range pangram {
  24. log.Println("client data sent:", word)
  25. _, err := sock.Write([]byte(word), func(resp []byte, err error, done func()) {
  26. log.Println("client data received:", string(resp))
  27. // Finish the current write handling response if we are done
  28. done()
  29. })
  30. if err != nil {
  31. log.Fatalln("unable to write to socket:", err)
  32. }
  33. }
  34. sock.Close()
  35. // 3. Finally after running the client you'll see a similar output like:
  36. //
  37. // 2020/11/24 00:39:27 client data sent: The
  38. // 2020/11/24 00:39:27 client data received: The
  39. // 2020/11/24 00:39:28 client data sent: quick
  40. // 2020/11/24 00:39:28 client data received: quick
  41. // 2020/11/24 00:39:29 client data sent: brown
  42. // 2020/11/24 00:39:29 client data received: brown
  43. // 2020/11/24 00:39:30 client data sent: fox
  44. // 2020/11/24 00:39:30 client data received: fox
  45. // 2020/11/24 00:39:31 client data sent: jumps
  46. // 2020/11/24 00:39:31 client data received: jumps
  47. // 2020/11/24 00:39:32 client data sent: over
  48. // 2020/11/24 00:39:32 client data received: over
  49. // 2020/11/24 00:39:33 client data sent: the
  50. // 2020/11/24 00:39:33 client data received: the
  51. // 2020/11/24 00:39:34 client data sent: lazy
  52. // 2020/11/24 00:39:34 client data received: lazy
  53. // 2020/11/24 00:39:35 client data sent: dog
  54. // 2020/11/24 00:39:35 client data received: dog
  55. }


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Feel free to send some Pull request or issue.


This work is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

© 2020-present Jose Quintana