Google AppEngine context handlers for writing testable go webapps
aecontext-handlers are a bunch of AppEngine context handlers that wrap the
standard net/http
HandlerFunc, enabling you to easily switch out how the
AppEngine Context is created, depending on what environment (production / test)
the code is running in.
Note that this is an AppEngine main application, hence there is no func main() {}
package main
import (
// createHTTPRouter : creates our URL router. As an argument it takes in a
// ToHandlerHOF, whose job is to make the conversion to a standard HandlerFunc()
// format. This means we can change how the AppEngine Context gets created, by
// passing in different ToHandlerHOF implementations. In this case, we use the one
// we want for production (see `init()` function)
func createHTTPRouter(f handlers.ToHandlerHOF) *mux.Router {
appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
appRouter.HandleFunc("/foo", f(fooHandler)).Methods("GET")
return appRouter
// fooHandler : handle /foo
func fooHandler(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
func init() {
// create our URL router, passing in a HOF that converts to a standard HandlerFunc()
router := createHTTPRouter(handlers.ToHTTPHandler)
http.Handle("/", router)
package main
import (
c ""
// TestFooHandler : does just that
func TestFooHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Get our testing context and aetest instance
ctx, inst := handlers.GetTestingContext()
// Remember to close it at the end of every test!
defer inst.Close()
c.Convey("When user visits the foo page", t, func() {
// create our router, using this testing context
r := createHTTPRouter(handlers.ToHTTPHandlerConverter(ctx))
record := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo", nil)
c.So(err, c.ShouldBeNil)
c.Convey("The status should equal http.StatusOK", func() {
// use the router to serve the request, recording the response
r.ServeHTTP(record, req)
// Assert that the return code matches what we expect
c.So(record.Code, c.ShouldEqual, http.StatusOK)
and register_test.go
and signup_test.go
)This idea was taken, almost completely unmodified, from the excellent Compound Theory blog:
All credit goes to that :-)