项目作者: chew-z
项目描述 :
Scrap image metadata from Instagram. Use Instagram's CDN to store your pictures
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/chew-z/InstaAppEngine.git
Take release of Go, AppEngine and some gin. Drop a bit of go-cache. Shake well. Serve chilled. Enjoy.
What is it?
AppEngine Go function for getting some metadata about user Instagram feed images. This is quick adaptation of my InstaAWS AWS Lambda function.
Works well. Requires some further development.
How to use it?
- set ENV variables (USERNAME, PASSWORD, GIN_MODE) in app.yaml
- deploy to AppEngine
gcloud app deploy --version dev
- watch logs
gcloud app logs tail -s default
- get JSON file with pictures metatdata from user feed
curl -X GET -o instagram.json 'uri://appengine-ednpoint/instagram?limit=100'
- turn off AppEngine to save on billing
gcloud app versions stop dev
- get metadata in chunks
- get random pictures
- add re-tries or delays to go around of IG limits
What’s interesting about it?
- I am using goinsta - good but it has it’s limitations as Import/Export operations are hardcoded for storing session in file -
not possible with Lambda(and I have adapted that in half an hour from AWS Lambda code). - So my login() function is storing Instagram object in cache instead. Simple wise programmer memcache sort of.