Plugin to preview all available icons in Godot Editor.
Godot plugin which adds ability to preview all available icons in Godot Editor.
Can be used to facilitate the process of developing neat user interfaces for
Godot editor plugins without the need to import any custom icons.
Godot 3.0+ compatible. Note that in version 3.0, there’s no menu option, but the
plugin is still accesible via a shortcut (see below).
For the Godot 4 version, see here : latest version
To read the full documentation, which will be kept updated as more features come in, read the documentation
Navigate to Project
> Tools
and click Show Editor Icons
menu option
(Alt+I shortcut is also available for this):
A window shall popup listing all available editor icons which Godot uses natively
(can also show icons from any custom C++ module):
Hovering on icons will show their internal name to be used when developing plugins.
In order to use the icon in your plugins, you can fetch it via code like so:
button.icon = get_icon('Add', 'EditorIcons')
To simplify the process even further, you can also get the above snippet by
right-clicking on an icon and it will be copied to your clipboard. Left-clicking
just copies the raw icon’s name.
In some cases, a control might not have a theme inherited from Godot’s base
control as it can be overriden. For a more sophisticated way on how to get an
icon from Godot’s base control, see
The get_icon()
method is meant to be used in EditorPlugin
s. If you really
want to use this in plain tool
scripts from within the editor, an icon can
be fetched with the following snippet:
extends Node2D # This can be anything.
func _draw():
if Engine.editor_hint:
# Find internal `EditorNode` class.
var editor_node = get_tree().get_root().get_child(0)
# Get internal GUI base.
# This is equivalent to `EditorInterface.get_base_control()`.
var gui_base = editor_node.get_gui_base()
# Get icon from the base control.
var icon_add = gui_base.get_icon("Add", "EditorIcons")
# Draw the icon.
draw_texture(icon_add, Vector2())
This approach may not always work across Godot versions as this relies on
internal functionality behind EditorNode
This won’t work for outside the editor.