项目作者: hrshadhin

项目描述 :
🚀 Production-ready Golang based boilerplate application with Fiber web framework
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/hrshadhin/fiber-go-boilerplate.git
创建时间: 2021-04-17T19:01:45Z

开源协议:MIT License


Fiber Go Boilerplate

Is a production-ready golang based boilerplate application with Fiber Go web framework.
For any fiber go application, just clone the repo & rename the application name.

Fiber is an Express.js inspired web framework build on top of Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine for Go. Designed to ease things up for fast development with zero memory allocation and performance in mind.

Tools & Libraries used

⚡️ Quick start

  • Install docker, golang-migrate & swag
  • Rename .env.example to .env
  • Run project by this command:
    1. make docker.run
  • Visit http://localhost:5000 or http://localhost:5000/swagger/
  • Stop make docker.stop


📦 Used packages

Name Version Type
gofiber/fiber v2.7.1 core
gofiber/jwt v2.2.1 middleware
arsmn/fiber-swagger v2.6.0 middleware
stretchr/testify v1.7.0 tests
dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.2 auth
joho/godotenv v1.3.0 config
jmoiron/sqlx v1.3.3 database
jackc/pgx v4.11.0 database
sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 logging
swaggo/swag v1.7.0 utils
google/uuid v1.2.0 utils
go-playground/validator v10.5.0 utils

🗄 Project structure


Folder with business logic only. This directory doesn’t care about what database driver you’re using.

  • /app/controller folder for functional controller (used in routes)
  • /app/dto Data Transfer Objects(DTO) folder for transform data before sent to API clients
  • /app/model folder for describe business models and methods of your project
  • /app/repository folder for perform database operations for models of your project


Main applications for this project.

The directory name for each application should match the name of the executable you want to have (e.g., /cmd/server /cmd/cron).
Don’t put a lot of code in the application directory. If you think the code can be imported and used in other projects,
then it should live in the /pkg directory.


Folder with API Documentation.

This directory contains config files for auto-generated API Docs by Swagger, screenshots
and any other documents related to this project.


Folder with project-specific functionality. This directory contains all the project-specific code tailored only for your business use case.

  • /pkg/config folder for configuration functions
  • /pkg/middleware folder for add middleware (Fiber built-in and yours)
  • /pkg/route folder for describe routes of your project
  • /pkg/validator folder with validation functions


Folder with platform-level logic. This directory contains all the platform-level logic that will build up the actual project,
like setting up the database, logger instance and storing migrations, seeds(demo data).

  • /platform/database folder with database setup functions (by default, PostgreSQL)
  • /platform/logger folder with better logger setup functions (by default, Logrus)
  • /platform/migrations folder with migration files (used with golang-migrate/migrate tool)
  • /platform/seeds folder with demo data for application rapid setup. mostly sql scripts

⚙️ Configuration

  1. # .env
  2. # APP settings:
  3. APP_HOST=""
  4. APP_PORT=5000
  6. APP_DEBUG=false
  7. # JWT settings:
  8. JWT_SECRET_KEY="super_secret_here"
  10. # Database settings:
  11. DB_HOST=fibergb-postgres
  12. DB_PORT=5432
  13. DB_USER=dev
  14. DB_PASSWORD=dev
  15. DB_NAME=fiber_go_api
  16. DB_SSL_MODE=disable
  17. DB_DEBUG=true

🔨 Docker development

  • Install docker, docker-compose & golang-migrate
  • Rename .env.example to .env
  • Start db container docker-compose up db
  • Run migrations make migrate.up
  • Now start api server with hot reloading make docker.dev
  • Visit http://localhost:5000 or http://localhost:5000/swagger/

🔨 Local Development

  • Install PostgreSQL golang >= 1.16 golang-migrate gosec & swag
  • Rename .env.example to .env and fill it with your environment values
  • Migrate db & seed some demo data
    1. make migrate.up
    2. make seed
  • Run project by this command:
    1. make run
  • Visit http://localhost:5000 or http://localhost:5000/swagger/
  • Check Makefile for more commands

    1. # drop migration
    2. make migrate.down
    3. # force migration to specific version
    4. migrate.force
    5. # run test
    6. make test
    7. ...

⚠️ License

MIT © H.R. Shadhin