项目作者: pepelnyy
项目描述 :
Installing Ka-Radio32 on ODROID-GO (https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio32)
项目地址: git://github.com/pepelnyy/Ka-Radio32-on-ODROID-GO.git
Ka-Radio32 on ODROID-GO
Today we will install Ka-Radio32 by KaraWin on ODROID-GO device.
- On this stage it is necessary to reflash whole device to switch from default firmware to Ka-Radio32 and back.
- The sound quality on built-in speaker is not very good. I strongly recommend to use some external DAC. I will tell about it below.
Key map
In odroid.csv is defined following configuration:
Key label |
Mapping |
“Menu” |
P_BTN0_A short click: start/stop, long click: toggle, double click: display info; |
“Volume” |
P_BTN1_A short click: start/stop, long click: toggle, double click: display info; |
“Select” |
P_BTN1_C previous station (or volume up when “Menu” or “Volume” is toggled); |
“Start” |
P_BTN1_B next station (or volume down when “Menu” or “Volume” is toggled); |
“A” |
P_BTN0_C volume down (or previous station when “Menu” or “Volume” is toggled); |
“B” |
P_BTN0_B volume up (or next station when “Menu” or “Volume” is toggled); |
“Up” and “Down” |
P_JOY_0 controls volume up and down; |
“Left” and “Right” |
P_JOY_1 switch previous or next station. |
Remark: on my device button “Volume” does not working.
For install Ka-Radio32 on your ODROID-GO do following steps:
- Install “ESP32 download tool” (you can take it here http://espressif.com/en/support/download/other-tools);
- You might need to install the USB-UART CP2104 VCP driver for Windows when the ODROID turns on.
- Download binaries from https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio32/tree/master/binaries;
- Download odroid-go.bin from https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio32/tree/master/boards/build;
- Download factory firmware from https://github.com/OtherCrashOverride/odroid-go-firmware/releases (for if you want return device to factory state);
- Turn on your ODROID-GO, plug it in your PC, start ESP download tool.
- Flash binaries to your device as described here, but use following files and adresses:
File |
Adress |
KaRadio32.bin |
0x10000 |
KaRadio32v1.6r4.bin (or newer) |
0x1d0000 |
partitions.bin |
0x8000 |
bootloader.bin |
0x1000 |
odroid-go.bin |
0x3a2000 |

On first start after flashing
- If the acces point of your router is not known, the webradio inits itself as an AP. Connect the wifi of your computer to the ssid “WifiKaRadio”
- Browse to to display the page, got to “setting” “Wifi” and configure your ssid ap, the password if any, the wanted IP or use dhcp if you know how to retrieve the dhcp given ip (terminal or scan of the network).
- In the gateway field, enter the ip address of your router.
- Validate. The equipment restart to the new configuration.
- Connect your wifi to your AP
- If the AP is already known by the esp32, the default ip is given by dhcp.
- You can find IP adress of your device on screen
- Run browser and browse to the ip given in configuration.
- Choose “DAC” on “Setting” page and validate changes. Your device will restart.

- Refresh page. On “Setting” page you can ajust your Time Zone Offset (don’t forget push “Validate” in that section).
- Congratulation, you can edit your own station list. Dont forget to save your stations list in case of problem or for new equipments.
- A sample of stations list is on http://karadio.karawin.fr/WebStations.txt . Can be uploaded via the web page.
- If you want to change time before screen will turn off when device is inactive
- Connect to your device by telnet using this IP and port 23 (use PuTTY, for example).
- Put following command in console
sys.lcdout("x") : Timer in seconds to switch off the lcd. 0= no timer
Using of external DAC
To improve the sound you can use the external I2S DAC
To activate it you will need to edit the odroid-go.csv according your wiring and compile and flash new odroid.bin to your device. You can learn how to do it here.