项目作者: ladydascalie

项目描述 :
Raw (almost) HTML Earthquake feed.
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/ladydascalie/quakes.git
创建时间: 2018-03-19T10:34:38Z




This project being in it’s infancy, it’s a complete war zone.
Please don’t hit me with a stick.[^1]

To run it, you will need to:

  • make sure you have a .env file (an example is provided)
  • a working & accessible mongodb install

Then simply go run main.go.

You may setup your own telegram channel for testing the notifications. But as a default they are turned off.
This is easily controlled via the config package.

However note that you will need a valid token in your .env file for that.

[^1]: not entirely true anymore, it is getting better however many things are likely to change, so I wouldn’t consider things to be settled just yet.