Raw Query ORM - as light as raw, as easy as orm
Table Of Contents
source : https://github.com/kihamo/orm-benchmark
command : orm-benchmark -orm=all (-multi=1 default)
2000 times - Insert
raw: 3.00s 1497568 ns/op 552 B/op 12 allocs/op
--- rorm: 3.18s 1588970 ns/op 472 B/op 6 allocs/op ---
qbs: 3.56s 1780562 ns/op 4304 B/op 104 allocs/op
orm: 3.60s 1801961 ns/op 1427 B/op 36 allocs/op
modl: 4.41s 2206199 ns/op 1317 B/op 28 allocs/op
hood: 4.66s 2330843 ns/op 10738 B/op 155 allocs/op
gorp: 4.76s 2381558 ns/op 1390 B/op 29 allocs/op
xorm: 5.40s 2699078 ns/op 2562 B/op 66 allocs/op
gorm: 7.97s 3985524 ns/op 7695 B/op 148 allocs/op
500 times - MultiInsert 100 row
--- rorm: 1.51s 3018679 ns/op 41888 B/op 105 allocs/op ---
orm: 1.52s 3037726 ns/op 103987 B/op 1529 allocs/op
raw: 2.41s 4823872 ns/op 108566 B/op 810 allocs/op
xorm: 2.74s 5483371 ns/op 228503 B/op 4663 allocs/op
gorp: Not support multi insert
hood: Not support multi insert
modl: Not support multi insert
gorm: Not support multi insert
qbs: Not support multi insert
2000 times - Update
--- rorm: 1.40s 700864 ns/op 288 B/op 5 allocs/op ---
raw: 1.47s 734044 ns/op 616 B/op 14 allocs/op
orm: 1.67s 836207 ns/op 1384 B/op 37 allocs/op
xorm: 2.81s 1405482 ns/op 2665 B/op 100 allocs/op
modl: 3.23s 1613397 ns/op 1489 B/op 36 allocs/op
qbs: 3.27s 1637255 ns/op 4298 B/op 104 allocs/op
gorp: 3.54s 1770792 ns/op 1536 B/op 35 allocs/op
hood: 4.89s 2443941 ns/op 10733 B/op 155 allocs/op
gorm: 8.99s 4494195 ns/op 18612 B/op 383 allocs/op
4000 times - Read (will be fixed asap)
qbs: 2.89s 721410 ns/op 6358 B/op 176 allocs/op
raw: 3.16s 789744 ns/op 1432 B/op 37 allocs/op
orm: 3.48s 871127 ns/op 2610 B/op 93 allocs/op
hood: 5.80s 1450978 ns/op 4020 B/op 48 allocs/op
--- rorm: 5.96s 1489016 ns/op 1792 B/op 40 allocs/op ---
gorm: 6.27s 1566251 ns/op 12153 B/op 239 allocs/op
modl: 6.36s 1591131 ns/op 1873 B/op 45 allocs/op
xorm: 6.66s 1664184 ns/op 9354 B/op 260 allocs/op
gorp: 6.76s 1690332 ns/op 1872 B/op 52 allocs/op
2000 times - MultiRead limit 100 (will be fixed asap)
raw: 2.28s 1139187 ns/op 34704 B/op 1320 allocs/op
modl: 2.32s 1159111 ns/op 49864 B/op 1721 allocs/op
orm: 2.38s 1191493 ns/op 85020 B/op 4283 allocs/op
gorp: 2.49s 1243186 ns/op 63685 B/op 1909 allocs/op
--- rorm: 3.75s 1875212 ns/op 40441 B/op 1536 allocs/op ---
qbs: 3.75s 1875799 ns/op 165634 B/op 6428 allocs/op
hood: 4.32s 2158469 ns/op 136081 B/op 6358 allocs/op
xorm: 5.37s 2685240 ns/op 180061 B/op 8091 allocs/op
gorm: 5.44s 2721136 ns/op 254686 B/op 6226 allocs/op
No | Database |
1 | MySQL |
2 | Postgres |
3 | SQL Server |
go get github.com/kodekoding/rorm
import to your project
import "github.com/kodekoding/rorm"
Feature | Using | Description |
Select | Select(cols …string) | Specify the column will be query |
SelectSum | SelectSumn(col string) | Specify the single column to be summarize |
SelectAverage | SelectAverage(col string) | Specify the single column to average the value |
SelectMax | SelectMax(col string) | Specify the single column to get max the value |
SelectMin | SelectMin(col string) | Specify the single column to get min the value |
SelectCount | SelectCount(col string) | Specify the single column to get total data that column |
Where | Where(col string, value interface{}, opt …string) | set the condition, ex: Where(“id”, 1, “>”) -> “WHERE id > 1” Where(“name”, “test”) => “WHERE name = ‘test’” |
WhereIn | ||
WhereNotIn | ||
WhereLike | ||
Or | ||
OrIn | ||
OrNotIn | ||
OrLike | ||
GroupBy | ||
Join | ||
Limit | ||
OrderBy | ||
Asc | ||
Desc |
// Mandatory DBConfig
dbConfig := &rorm.DbConfig{
Host: "localhost",
Driver: "(mysql | postgres | sqlserver)",
Username: "your_username",
DbName: "your_dbName",
All Property DBConfig
dbConfig := &rorm.DbConfig{
Host: "your_host", //mandatory
Driver: "DB Driver", //mandatory
Username: "dbUsername", //mandatory
DbName:"database_name", //mandatory
Password: "dbPass",
DbScheme: "db Scheme", // for postgres scheme, default is "Public" Scheme
Port: "port", //default 3306 (mysql), 5432 (postgres)
Protocol: "db Protocol", //default is "tcp"
DbInstance: "db Instance", // for sqlserver driver if necessary
// Please make sure the variable "dbConfig" pass by reference (pointer)
db, err := rorm.New(dbConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Cannot Connet to database")
log.Println("Success Connect to Database")
-- We Have a table with this structure
name VARCHAR(100) NULL,
address TEXT NULL,
is_active BOOLEAN NULL,
birth_date DATE NULL,
// Init the models (struct name MUST BE SAME with table name)
type Student struct {
// db tag, filled based on column name
Id int `db:"id" sql:"pk"` //identify as PK column
Name string `db:"name"`
Address string `db:"address"`
// IsActive is boolean field
IsActive bool `db:"is_active"`
// BirthDate is "Date" data type column field
BirthDate string `db:"birth_date"`
// init student struct to variable
var studentList []Student
var student Student
if err := db.SQLRaw(`SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM Student [JOIN ..... ON .....]
[WHERE ......... [ORDER BY ...] [LIMIT ...]]`).Get(&studentList); err != nil {
log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
// Get All Students data
if err := db.Get(&studentList); err != nil {
log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
-- it will generate :
SELECT * FROM student
// Get Specific Data
if err := db.Select("name, address, birth_date").Where("is_active", true).Get(&studentList); err != nil {
log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
-- it will generate: (prepared Statement)
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE is_active = ?
// Get Specific Data (other example)
if err := db.Select("name", "address", "birth_date").
Where("is_active", 1).WhereLike("name", "%Lorem%").
Get(&studentList); err != nil {
log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
-- it will generate:
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE is_active = ? AND name LIKE ?
// Get Specific Data (single Result)
if err := db.Select("name, address, birth_date").Where("id", 1).Get(&student); err != nil {
log.Println("result is, ", student)
-- it will generate:
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE id = ?
dtStudent := Student{
Name: "test",
Address: "test",
IsActive: 1,
BirthDate: "2010-01-01",
affected, err := db.Insert(&dtStudent)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error When Insert")
if affected > 0 {
log.Println("Success Insert")
-- it will generate : (mysql)
INSERT INTO Student (name, address, is_active, birth_date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
-- prepared Values :
-- ('test', 'test', 1, '2010-01-01')
dtStudents := []Student{
Name: "test",
Address: "test",
IsActive: 1,
BirthDate: "2010-01-01",
Name: "test2",
Address: "test2",
IsActive: 1,
BirthDate: "2010-01-02",
Name: "test3",
Address: "test3",
IsActive: 1,
BirthDate: "2010-01-03",
affected, err := db.Insert(&dtStudent)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error When Insert")
if affected > 0 {
log.Println("Success Insert")
-- it will generate : (mysql)
INSERT INTO Student (name, address, is_active, birth_date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
-- prepared Values :
-- 1. ('test', 'test', 1, '2010-01-01')
-- 2. ('test2', 'test2', 1, '2010-01-02')
-- 3. ('test3', 'test3', 1, '2010-01-03')
dtStudent := Student{
Name: "change",
Address: "change",
IsActive: 1,
BirthDate: "2010-01-10",
affected, err := db.Where("id", 1).Update(&dtStudent)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error When Update")
if affected > 0 {
log.Println("Success Update")
-- it will generate : (mysql)
UPDATE Student SET name = ?, address = ?, is_active = ?, birth_date = ? WHERE id = ?
-- prepared Values :
-- ('change', 'change', 1, '2010-01-10', 1)
dtStudent := Student{
Name: "change",
IsActive: 0,
// Add Function 'BindUpdateCol' and filled parameter with db column name lists
affected, err := db.Where("id", 1).BindUpdateCol("name", "is_active").Update(&dtStudent)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error When Update")
if affected > 0 {
log.Println("Success Update")
-- it will generate : (mysql)
UPDATE Student SET name = ?, is_active = ? WHERE id = ?
-- prepared Values :
-- ('change', 0, 1)
affected, err := db.Where("id", 1).Delete(&Student{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error When Delete")
if affected > 0 {
log.Println("Success Delete")
-- it will generate : (mysql)
DELETE FROM Student WHERE id = ?
-- prepared Values :
-- (1)