A simple ssh lib for gopher-lua
A simple ssh lib for gopher-lua based on golang.org/x/crypto/ssh
Import the lib import "github.com/cyian-1756/gluassh"
Load it with L.PreloadModule("ssh", gluassh.Loader)
Require the lib in lua
ssh = require("ssh")
Get a shell
local shell, err = ssh.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOST, PORT, InsecureIgnoreHostKey)
If InsecureIgnoreHostKey is true then the host key is ignored
Send a command
local r, err = ssh.sendCommand(shell, "whoami")
If you just want to connect and run a one liner you can use the helper func connectAndCommand
ssh.connectAndCommand(USERNAME, PASSWORD, HOST, PORT, InsecureIgnoreHostKey, COMMAND)