项目作者: DataBiosphere

项目描述 :
Metadata indexer and query service used for HCA and CGP
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/DataBiosphere/azul.git
创建时间: 2018-06-29T03:18:14Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


The Azul project contains the components that together serve as the backend to
Boardwalk, a web application for browsing genomic data sets.

1. Architecture Overview

1.1 Components

Azul consists of two components: an indexer and a web service. The Azul indexer
is an AWS Lambda function that responds to web-hook notifications about bundle
addition and deletion events occurring in a Data Store instance. The indexer
responds to those notifications by retrieving the bundle’s metadata from said
data store, transforming it and writing the transformed metadata into an
Elasticsearch index. The transformation extracts selected entities and
denormalizes the relations between them into a document shape that facilitates
efficient queries on a number of customizable metadata facets.

The Azul web service, another AWS Lambda function fronted by API Gateway, serves
as a thin translation layer between Elasticsearch and the Boardwalk UI,
providing features like pluggable authentication, field name translation and
introspective capabilities such as facet and entity type discovery.

Both the indexer and the web service allow for project-specific customizations
via a plug-in mechanism, allowing the Boardwalk UI codebase to be functionally
generic with minimal need for project-specific behavior.

1.2 Architecture Diagram

Azul architecture diagram

2. Getting Started

2.1 Development Prerequisites

  • Python, the specific verson is defined in an environment variable called
    azul_python_version defined in environment.py

  • The bash shell

  • GNU make 3.81 or newer

  • git 2.36.0 or newer

  • Docker, for running the tests (the community edition is sufficient). The
    required version is specified in a variable called azul_docker_version in

  • Terraform, to manage deployments. Azul requires a specific version of
    Terraform, which is defined in a variable called azul_terraform_version in
    environment.py. Refer to the official documentation on how
    to install terraform. Terraform comes as a single, statically linked binary,
    so the easiest method of installation is to download the binary and put it in
    a directory mentioned in the PATH environment variable.

  • AWS credentials configured in ~/.aws/credentials and/or ~/.aws/config

  • git-secrets

  • jq

  • The build process relies on numerous utilities that are pretty much standard
    on any modern Unix. Things like perl, sort, comm, uniq, sed, cp,
    mv and rm.

  • For VPN support: OpenSSL (version 1.1.10 and 3.0.5 are known to work but other
    versions should work, too). LibreSSL, which became the default on macOS at
    some point, is an acceptible replacement. Version 2.8.3 is known to work.

  • Users of macOS 12 (Monterey) should follow additional steps outlined in

  • Users of macOS 11 (Big Sur) should follow additional steps outlined in

2.1.1 git-secrets

git-secrets helps prevent secrets (passwords, credentials, etc.) from being
committed to a Git repository. See the Installing git-secrets section of the
project’s README for instructions how to install git-secrets on your OS.

Once installed, git-secrets will need to be configured individually in each
one of your existing clones, be they clones of this repository or any of the
team’s other repositories. Run

  1. cd /path/to/clone
  2. git secrets --install # install the hooks

To register the provider that adds AWS-specific secret patterns, run

  1. git secrets --global --register-aws

Optionally, to configure git-secrets in all repository clones created
subsequently, run:

  1. git secrets --install ~/.git-templates/git-secrets
  2. git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-templates/git-secrets

You must now verify the proper function of git-secrets in each one of your
existing clones, be they clones of this repository or any of the team’s other

1) Run cd /path/to/clone

2) Make sure there is no foo.txt in the current directory

3) Run (echo -e 'AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=00000000000\x30' > foo.txt && git add foo.txt && git hook run pre-commit); git rm -fq foo.txt

This must produce output containing [ERROR] Matched one or more prohibited patterns. If it doesn’t, proper function of git-secrets has not been

If you get git: 'hook' is not a git command. See 'git --help'., you are using
an outdated version of git.

If you get error: cannot find a hook named pre-commit, git-secrets has not
been configured for the clone.

If you get no output, the AWS provider has not been registered.

2.2 Runtime Prerequisites (Infrastructure)

An instance of the HCA Data Store aka DSS. The URL of that instance can be
configured in environment.py or deployments/*/environment.py.

The remaining infrastructure is managed internally using TerraForm.

2.3 Project configuration

Getting started without attempting to make contributions does not require AWS
credentials. A subset of the test suite passes without configured AWS
credentials. To validate your setup, we’ll be running one of those tests at the

  1. Load the environment defaults

    1. source environment
  2. Activate the dev deployment:

    1. _select dev
  3. Load the environment:

    1. source environment

    The output should indicate that the environment is being loaded from the
    selected deployment (in this case, dev).

  4. Create a Python virtual environment and activate it:

    1. make virtualenv
    2. source .venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the development prerequisites:

    1. make requirements

    Linux users whose distribution does not offer the required Python version
    should consider installing pyenv first, then Python using pyenv install x.y.z and setting PYENV_VERSION to x.y.z, where x.y.z is the value of
    azul_python_version in environment.py. You may need to
    update pyenv itself before it recognizes the given Python version. Even if
    a distribution provides the required minor version of Python natively, using
    pyenv is generally preferred because it offers every patch-level release of
    Python, supports an arbitrary number of different Python versions to be
    installed concurrently and allows for easily switching between them.

    Ubuntu users using their system’s default Python installation must
    install python3-dev before any wheel requirements can be built.

    1. sudo apt install python3-dev
  1. Run make. It should say Looking good! If one of the check target fails,
    address the failure and repeat. Most check targets are defined in common.mk.

  2. Make sure Docker works without explicit root access. Run the following
    command without sudo:

    1. docker ps

    If that fails, you’re on your own.

  3. Finally, confirm that everything is configured properly on your machine by
    running the unit tests:

    1. make test

2.3.1 GitHub credentials

Integration tests require a GitHub personal access token to be configured.

  1. Log into your account on https://github.com/. Click your user icon and
    navigate to Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens

  2. Click Generate new token

  3. Enter an appropriate description such as “Integration tests for Azul”

  4. Select No expiration

  5. Do not select any scopes

  6. Click Generate token and copy the resulting token

  7. Edit the deployments/.active/environment.local.py file and modify the
    GITHUB_TOKEN variable:

    1. 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '<the token you just copied>'

    Do not add the token to any environment.py files.

  8. Repeat the previous step for any deployments you intend to use for running
    the integration tests.

2.3.2 AWS credentials

You should have been issued AWS credentials. Typically, those credentials
require assuming a role in an account other than the one defining your IAM
user. Just set that up normally in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.
If the assumed role additionally requires an MFA token, you should run
_login immediately after running source environment or switching
deployments with _select.

2.3.3 Google Cloud credentials

When it comes to Azul and Google Cloud, we distinguish between two types of
accounts: an Azul deployment uses a service account to authenticate against
Google Cloud and Azul developers use their individual Google account in a web
browser. For the remainder of this section we’ll refer to the individual Google
account simply as “your account”. For developers at UCSC this is their
@ucsc.edu account.

On Slack, ask for your account to be added as an owner of the Google Cloud
project that hosts—or will host—the Azul deployment you intend to work with.
For the lower HCA DCP/2 deployments (dev, sandbox and personal deployments),
this is platform-hca-dev. The project name is configured via the
GOOGLE_PROJECT variable in environment.py for each deployment.

2.3.4 Google Cloud, TDR and SAM

The Terra ecosystem is tightly integrated with Google’s authentication
infrastructure, and the same two types of accounts mentioned in the previous
section are used to authenticate against SAM and Terra Data Repository
(TDR). Meaning that there are now at least two Google accounts at play:

1) your individual Google account (“your account”),

2) a service account for each shared or personal Azul deployment.

You use your account to interact with Google Cloud in general, along with both
production and non-production instances of Terra, SAM, and TDR, provided you
have access. You also use your account for programmatic interactions with the
above systems and the Google Cloud resources they host, like the BiqQuery
datasets and GCS buckets that TDR manages. For programmatic access to the
latter, you can either gcloud auth login with your account or use the
service_account_credentials context manager from aws.deployment.

In order for an Azul deployment to index metadata stored in a TDR instance,
the Google service account for that deployment must be registered with SAM and
authorized for repository read access to datasets and snapshots. Additionally,
in order for the deployment to accept unauthenticated servce requests, a second
Google service account called the public account must likewise be registered
and authorzied.

The SAM registration of the service accounts is handled automatically during
make deploy. To register without deploying, run make sam. Mere
registration with SAM only provides authentication. Authorization to access
TDR datasets and snapshots is granted by adding the registered service accounts
to dedicated SAM groups (an extension of a Google group). This must be
performed manually by someone with administrator access to that SAM group. For
non-production instances of TDR, the indexer service account needs to be added
to the group azul-dev.

A member of the azul-dev group has read access to TDR. An administrator of
this group can add other accounts to it, and optionally make them
administrators, too. Before any account can be added to a group, it needs to be
registered with SAM. While make deploy does this automatically for the
deployment’s service account, for your account, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Log into Google Cloud by running

    1. gcloud auth login

    A browser window opens to complete the authentication flow interactively.
    When being prompted, select your account.

    For more information refer to the Google authorization

  2. Register your account with SAM. Run

    1. (account="$(gcloud config get-value account)"
    2. token="$(gcloud auth --account $account print-access-token)"
    3. curl $AZUL_SAM_SERVICE_URL/register/user/v1 -d "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token")
  3. Ask an administrator of the azul-dev group to add your account to the
    group. The best way to reach an administrator is via the #team-boardwalk
    channel on Slack. Also, ask for a link to the group and note it in your

  4. If you’ve already attempted to create your deployment via make deploy,
    visit the link, sign in as your account and add your deployment’s service
    account to the group. Run make deploy again.

For production, use the same procedure, but substitute azul-dev with

2.3.5 Creating a personal deployment

Creating a personal deployment of Azul allows you test changes on a live system
in complete isolation from other users. If you intend to make contributions,
this is preferred. You will need IAM user credentials to the AWS account you are
deploying to.

  1. Choose a name for your personal deployment. The name should be a short handle
    that is unique within the AWS account you are deploying to. It should also be
    informative enough to let others know whose deployment this is. We’ll be
    using foo as an example here. The handle must only consist of digits or
    lowercase alphabetic characters, must not start with a digit and must be
    between 2 and 16 characters long.

  2. Create a new directory for the configuration of your personal deployment:

    1. cd deployments
    2. cp -r sandbox yourname.local
    3. ln -snf yourname.local .active
    4. mv .active/.example.environment.local.py .active/environment.local.py
    5. cd ..
  3. Read all comments in deployments/.active/environment.py and
    deployments/.active/environment.local.py and make the appropriate edits.

2.4 PyCharm

Running tests from PyCharm requires environment to be sourced. The easiest way
to do this automatically is by installing envhook.py, a helper script that
injects the environment variables from environment into the Python interpreter
process started from the project’s virtual environment in .venv.

To install envhook.py run

  1. make envhook

The script works by adding a sitecustomize.py file to your virtual
environment. If a different sitecustomize module is already present in your
Python path, its sitecustomize.py file must be renamed or removed before the
installation can proceed. The current install location can be found by importing
sitecustomize and inspecting the module’s __file__ attribute.

Whether you installed envook.py or not, a couple more steps are necessary to
configure PyCharm for Azul:

  1. Under Settings -> Project—Interpreter select the virtual environment
    created above.

  2. Set the src and test folders as source roots by right-clicking each
    folder name and selecting Mark Directory asSources Root.

  3. Exclude the .venv, lambdas/indexer/vendor, and lambdas/service/vendor
    folders by right-clicking each folder name and selecting Mark Directory as

Newer versions of PyCharm install another sitecustomize module which attempts
to wrap the user-provided one, in our case envhook.py. This usually works
unless envhook.py tries to report an error. PyCharm’s sitecustomize swallows
the exception and, due to a bug, raises different one. The original exception
is lost, making diagnosing the problem harder. Luckily, the sitecustomize
module is part of a rarely used feature that can be disabled by unchecking
Show plots in tool window under SettingsToolsPython Scientific.

3. Deployment

3.1 One-time provisioning of shared cloud resources

Most of the cloud resources used by a particular deployment (personal or main
ones alike) are provisioned automatically by make deploy. A handful of
resources must be created manually before invoking this Makefile target for
the first time in a particular AWS account. This only needs to be done once
per AWS account, before the first Azul deployment is created in that account.
Additional deployments do not require this step.

3.1.1 Versioned bucket for shared state

Create an S3 bucket for shared Terraform and Chalice state. The bucket must
not be publicly accessible since Terraform state may include secrets. If your
developers assume a role via Amazon STS, the bucket should reside in the same
region as the Azul deployment. This is because temporary STS AssumeRole
credentials are specific to a region and won’t be recognized by an S3 region
that’s different from the one the temporary credentials were issued in. The
name of the bucket is not configurable but instead dictated by Azul’s internal
convention for bucket names. Use the commands below to create that bucket.

  1. _select dev.shared # or prod.shared, anvildev.shared, anvilprod.shared …
  2. bucket="$(python -c 'from azul.deployment import aws; print(aws.shared_bucket)')"
  3. aws s3api create-bucket --bucket "$bucket"
  4. aws s3api put-bucket-tagging \
  5. --bucket "$bucket" \
  6. --tagging TagSet="[{Key=owner,Value=$AZUL_OWNER}]"

3.1.2 Route 53 hosted zones

Azul uses Route 53 to provide user-friendly domain names for its services. The
DNS setup for Azul deployments has historically been varied and rather
protracted. Azul’s infrastrcture code will typically manage Route 53 records
but the zones have to be created manually.

Create a Route 53 hosted zone for the Azul service and indexer. Multiple
deployments can share a hosted zone, but they don’t have to. The name of the
hosted zone is configured with AZUL_DOMAIN_NAME. make deploy will
automatically provision record sets in the configured zone, but it will not
create the zone itself or register the domain name it is associated with.

Optionally, create a hosted zone for the DRS domain alias of the Azul service.
The corresponding environment variable is AZUL_DRS_DOMAIN_NAME. This feature
has not been used since 2020 when Azul stopped offering DRS for HCA.

The hosted zone(s) should be configured with tags for cost tracking. A list of
tags that should be provisioned is noted in

3.1.3 AWS Chatbot integration with Slack

Azul deployments can make use of an AWS Chatbot instance to forward messages
from the SNS monitoring topic to a channel in a Slack workspace. Both the topic
and the Chatbot instance are shared by all deployments that are collocated in
one AWS account and that have monitoring enabled via the
AZUL_ENABLE_MONITORING environment variable. Most of the AWS Chatbot
integration is managed by Terraform
but the following manual steps must be performed once per AWS account containing
such deployments, before Terraform can take care of the rest. The AWS Chatbot
integration can be enabled or disabled separately for each AWS account by
setting the azul_slack_integration environment variable in the configuration
for the main deployment in that account. If it is disabled in an account, these
steps can be skipped in that account.

  1. In the AWS Chatbot console, under Configure a chat client, select the
    Slack chat client option, then click the Configure client button.

  2. Once redirected to Slack’s authorization page, you may be prompted to sign
    in using your UCSC account, in order to provide permission for Chatbot to
    access the Slack workspace. When this step is completed, you should see the
    workspace name and ID listed in the console.

  3. Use the ID displayed in the console to set the workspace_id attribute of
    the azul_slack_integration variable in the main deployment’s environment
    file for that account.

  4. Set the channel_id attribute to the ID of the appropriate channel. Get the
    channel ID by right-clicking the channel in Slack and selecting View channel
    . The ID is listed at the bottom of the About tab.

3.1.4 Shared resources managed by Terraform

The remaining resources for each of the AWS accounts hosting Azul deployments
are provisioned through Terraform. The corresponding resource definitions reside
in a separate Terraform component.

A Terraform component is a set of related resources. It is our own bastardized
form of Terraform’s module concept, aimed at facilitating encapsulation and
reuse. Each deployment has at least a main component and zero or more child
components. The main component is identified by the empty string for a name;
child components have a non-empty name. The dev component has a child
component dev.shared. To deploy the main component of the dev deployment,
one selects the dev deployment and runs make apply from
${project_root}/terraform (or make deploy from the project root). To deploy
the shared child component of the dev deployment, one selects dev.shared
and runs make apply from ${project_root}/terraform/shared. In other words,
there is one generic set of resource definitions for a child component, but
multiple concrete deployment directories.

There are currently two Terraform components: shared and gitlab.
Interestingly, not every deployment uses these components. Typically, only the
dev and prod deployments use them. The other deployment share them with
dev or prod, depending on which of those deployments they are colocated
with. Two deployments are colocated if they use the same AWS account. The
shared component contains the resources shared by all deployments in an AWS

To deploy the remaining shared resources, run:

  1. _select dev.shared # or prod.shared, anvildev.shared, anvilprod.shared …
  2. cd terraform/shared
  3. make validate
  4. bucket="$(python -c 'from azul.deployment import aws; print(aws.shared_bucket)')"
  5. terraform import aws_s3_bucket.shared "$bucket"
  6. make

The invocation of terraform import puts the bucket we created
earlier under management by Terraform.

3.1.5 GitLab

A self-hosted GitLab instance is provided by the gitlab TerraForm component.
It provides the necessary CI/CD infrastructure for one or more Azul deployments
and protects access to that infrastructure through a VPN. That same VPN is also
used to access to Azul deployments with private APIs (see AZUL_PRIVATE_API in
environment.py). Like the shared component, the gitlab component belongs
to one main deployment in an AWS account (typically dev or prod) and is
shared by the other deployments colocated with that deployment.

The following resources must be created manually before deploying the gitlab

3.2 One-time manual configuration of deployments

In order for users to authenticate using OAuth 2.0, an OAuth 2.0 consent screen
must be configured once per Google project, and an OAuth 2.0 client ID must
be created for each deployment.

These steps are performed once per Google project.

  1. Log into the Google Cloud console and select the desired project, e.g. dev
    or prod

  2. Navigate to APIs & Services -> OAuth Consent Screen


  4. For User Type, select External

  5. Click CREATE

  6. For App name, enter Azul {stage}, where {stage} is the last component
    of the Google project name, e.g. dev or prod

  7. Provide appropriate email addresses for App information ->
    User support email and Developer contact information ->
    Email addresses, e.g. azul-group@ucsc.edu


  9. For scopes, select:

    1. https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email
    2. https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile
    3. openid
  10. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE twice


3.2.2 Google Oauth 2.0 Client ID

These steps are performed once per deployment (multiple times per project).

  1. Log into the Google Cloud console and select the desired project, e.g. dev
    or prod

  2. Navigate to APIs & Services -> Credentials; click + CREATE CREDENTIALS
    -> OAuth Client ID

  3. For Application Type, select Web application

  4. For Name, enter azul-{stage} where stage is the name of the deployment

  5. Add an entry to Authorized JavaScript origins and enter the output from
    python3 -m azul config.service_endpoint

  6. Add an entry to Authorized redirect URIs. Append /oauth2_redirect to the
    value of the previous field and enter the resulting value.

  7. Click Create

  8. Copy the OAuth Client ID (not the client secret) and insert it into the
    deployment’s environment.py file:

    1. 'AZUL_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID': 'the-client-id'
  9. _refresh

3.3 Provisioning cloud infrastructure

Once you’ve configured the project and your personal deployment or a shared
deployment you intend to create, and once you manually provisioned
the shared cloud resources, it is time to provision the cloud infrastructure
for your deployment. Run

  1. make deploy

to prepare the Lambda functions defined in the lambdas directory for
deployment via Terraform. It will display a plan and ask you to confirm it.
Please consult the Terraform documentation for details.

Any time you wish to change the code running in the lambdas you will need to
run make deploy.

Some Terraform configuration is generated by make -C lambdas, but the rest is
defined in ….tf.json files which in turn are generated from
….tf.json.template.py templates which are simple Python scripts containing the
desired JSON as Python dictionary and list literals and comprehensions.
Running make deploy will run make -C lambda and also expand the
template files. Changes to either the templates or anything in the lambdas
directory requires running make deploy again in order to update cloud
infrastructure for the selected deployment.

3.4 Creating the Elasticsearch indices

While make deploy takes care of creating the Elasticsearch domain, the actual
Elasticsearch indices for the selected deployment must be created by running

  1. make create

In a newly created deployment, the indices will be empty and requests to the
deployment’s service REST API may return errors. To fill the indices,
initiate a reindexing. In an existing deployment
make create only creates indices that maybe missing. To force the recreation
of indices run make delete create.

3.5 Locating REST API endpoints via DNS

The HTTP endpoint offered by API Gateway have somewhat cryptic and hard to
remember domain names:

  1. https://klm8yi31z7.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/hannes/

Furthermore, the API ID at the beginning of the above URL is likely to change
any time the REST API is re-provisioned. To provide stable and user-friendly
URLs for the API lambdas, we provision a custom domain name object in API
Gateway along with an ACM certificate and a CNAME record in Route 53. the
user-friendly domain names depend on project configuration. The default for HCA
is currently

  1. http://indexer.${AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE}.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/
  2. http://service.${AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE}.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/

Personal deployments are subdomains of the domain for the dev deployment:

  1. http://indexer.${AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE}.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/
  2. http://service.${AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_STAGE}.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/

3.6 Private API

Follow these steps to put a deployment’s API Gateway in the GitLab VPC so that a
VPN connection is required to access the deployment. See 9.1 VPN access to
for details. Read this entire section before
following these steps.

  1. Destroy the current deployment (make -C terraform destroy).


  3. Set AZUL_PRIVATE_API to 1.

  4. Redeploy (make deploy).

Going in the opposite direction i.e., attempting to change AZUL_PRIVATE_API
from 1 to 0 will result in Cannot update endpoint from PRIVATE to EDGE
during make deploy. The error message will be shown for every REST API
separately. It should be sufficient to simply terraform taint the REST API
resources mentioned in the error messages and then to run make deploy again.
It is possible that this also works when changing AZUL_PRIVATE_API from 0 to
1. Try that first, before destroying the entire deployment.


Transient errors might be encountered during the deploy such as SQS Error Code: AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue. SQS Error Message: The specified queue does not exist for this wsdl version In such cases rerunning make deploy
should resolve the issue.

If the error ResourceAlreadyExistsException: The specified log group already exists is encountered, follow the steps below to import the
aws_cloudwatch_log_group resources into terraform and retry the deploy.

  1. cd terraform

  2. terraform import aws_cloudwatch_log_group.indexer /aws/apigateway/azul-indexer-foo

  3. terraform import aws_cloudwatch_log_group.service /aws/apigateway/azul-service-foo

  4. cd ..

  5. make deploy

If the error azul.RequirementError: The service account (SA) '...' is not authorized to access ... or that resource does not exist. Make sure that it exists, that the SA is registered with SAM and has been granted read access to the resource is encountered, ask an administrator of the Terra group azul-dev
to add the service account as specified in the error messaged to that group. See
2.3.4 Google Cloud, TDR, and SAM for details.

After a successful invocation of make deploy, if the deployment is unresponsive
and CloudWatch shows logs entries in the /aws/apigateway/… log group but not in
/aws/lambda/…, first confirm whether the issue is the known
KMSAccessDeniedException error. In the AWS Console, go to the Lambda function
details page, click on the Test tab, and click on the Test buttton.

Note that it is normal for some Lambda functions to fail the test due to the
parameters of the test event. Examine the error message to determine if the
failure is due to a KMSAccessDeniedException which would be explicitly

To resolve a KMSAccessDeniedException run the reset_lambda_role.py script to
reset all the Lambda functions in the selected deployment.

3.7 Reindexing

The DSS instance used by a deployment is likely to contain existing bundles. To
index them run:

  1. make reindex

When reindexing, artificial notifications are generated by Azul.

The reindex make target will purchase a BigQuery slot commitment if:

  1. No slot commitment is currently active, and
  2. At least one catalog being indexed uses the TDR repository plugin.

To avoid cost-ineffective slot purchases, the reindex_no_slots target should be
used instead of reindex if the reindexing is expected to complete in 15
minutes or less.

3.8 Cancelling an ongoing (re)indexing operation

  1. python scripts/manage_queues.py purge_all

After that it is advisable to delete the indices and reindex at some later time.

3.9 Deleting all indices

To delete all Elasticsearch indices run

  1. make delete

The indices can be created again using

  1. make create

but they will be empty.

3.10 Deleting a deployment

  1. cd to the project root, then

    1. source environment
  2. Select the deployment to deleted

    1. _select foo.local
  3. Delete all Elasticsearch indices in the selected deployment

    1. make delete
  4. Delete the API Gateway base path mappings

    1. cd terraform
    2. make init
    3. terraform destroy $(terraform state list | grep aws_api_gateway_base_path_mapping | sed 's/^/-target /')
    4. cd ..
  5. Destroy cloud infrastructure

    1. make -C terraform destroy

    The destruction of aws_acm_certificate resources may time out. Simply
    repeat this step until it succeeds.

  6. From the shared bucket (run python -c 'from azul.deployment import aws; print(aws.shared_bucket)' to reveal its name), delete all keys relating to
    your deployment.

  7. Delete the local Terraform state file at

4. Running indexer or service locally

While this method does run the service or indexer locally on your machine, it
still requires that the cloud resources used by them are already deployed.
See sections 2 and 3 on how to do that.

  1. As usual, activate the virtual environment and source environment if you
    haven’t done so already

  2. cd lambdas/service

  3. Run

    1. make local
  4. You can now hit the app under

PyCharm recently added a feature that allows you to attach a debugger: From the
main menu choose Run, Attach to local process and select the chalice

5. Troubleshooting

Error: Invalid index during make deploy

  1. aws_route53_record.service_0: Refreshing state... [id=XXXXXXXXXXXXX_service.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu_A]
  2. Error: Invalid index
  3. on modules.tf.json line 8, in module.chalice_indexer.es_endpoint:
  4. 8: "${aws_elasticsearch_domain.index.endpoint}",
  5. |----------------
  6. | aws_elasticsearch_domain.index is empty tuple
  7. The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

This may be an issue with
Terraform. To work around this, run …

  1. terraform state rm aws_elasticsearch_domain.index

… to update the Terraform state so that it reflects the deletion of the
Elasticsearch domain. Now running make deploy should succeed.

NoCredentialProviders while running make deploy

If you get …

  1. Failed to save state: failed to upload state: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain.
  2. The error shown above has prevented Terraform from writing the updated state
  3. to the configured backend. To allow for recovery, the state has been written
  4. to the file "errored.tfstate" in the current working directory.
  5. Running "terraform apply" again at this point will create a forked state,
  6. making it harder to recover.

… during make deploy, your temporary STS credentials might have expired while
terraform apply was running. To fix, run …

  1. _login
  2. (cd terraform && terraform state push errored.tfstate)

… to refresh the credentials and upload the most recent Terraform state to the
configuration bucket.

AccessDeniedException in indexer lambda

If you get the following exception:

  1. An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetParameter operation: User: arn:aws:sts::{account_id}:assumed-role/azul-indexer-{deployment_stage}/azul-indexer-{deployment_stage}-index is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:{aws_region}:{account_id}:parameter/dcp/dss/{deployment_stage}/environment: ClientError
  2. Traceback (most recent call last):
  3. ...
  4. botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetParameter operation: User: arn:aws:sts::{account_id}:assumed-role/azul-indexer-{deployment_stage}/azul-indexer-{deployment_stage}-index is not authorized to perform: ssm:GetParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:{aws_region}:{account_id}:parameter/dcp/dss/integration/environment

Check whether the DSS switched buckets. If so, the lambda policy may need to be
updated to reflect that change. To fix this, redeploy the lambdas (make package) in the affected deployment.

make requirements_update does not update transitive requirements

In some cases, make requirements_update might not produce any updates to
transitive requirements, even if you expect them. For example, a sandbox build
on Gitlab might identify updated transitive requirements even though doing make requirements_update locally doesn’t.

This is a side effect of the Docker build cache on two different machines
diverging to reflect different states on PyPI. This can be fixed by incrementing
azul_image_version in the Dockerfile.

Unable to re-register service account with SAM

If you have destroyed your deployment and are rebuilding it, it’s possible that
SAM will not allow the Google service account to be registered again because
the service account’s email is the same in the current and previous incarnation
of the deployment, while the service account’s uniqueID is different. SAM
does not support this.

A warning message stating that SAM does not allow re-registration of service account emails will be visible during the make sam step of the deployment
process. To get around this, increment the current value of
AZUL_DEPLOYMENT_INCARNATION in the deployment’s environment.py file, then

Unexpected warnings cause tests to fail in tearDownClass

Unexpected warnings that occur during testing will cause failures in
AzulTestCase.tearDownClass. There is a context manager in AzulTestCase that
keeps record of emitted warnings during test execution. Due to the unit test
discovery process loading modules as it traverses directories, it’s possible
that a warning is emitted outside the scope of the context manager.

In the two commands below, the unit test discovery process occurs within a
different directory.

  1. $ (cd test && python -m unittest service.test_app_logging.TestServiceAppLogging)

In the first case, it’s possible that an unpermitted warning is emitted outside
the AzulTestCase context manager, due to modules being loaded recursively from
the directory test/. If a warning is emitted outside the context manager no
test failure will occur.

  1. $ (cd test/service && python -m unittest test_app_logging.TestServiceAppLogging)

In the second case, the test discovery process loads fewer modules due to the
narrowed working directory. This may emit a warning during test execution,
enabling the context manager to catch the unpermitted warning, and fail

Similarly, when running tests in PyCharm, its own proprietary test discovery
process may also increase the chance of the AzulTestCase context manager
causing a failure.

If these failures occur, add the warning to the list of permitted warnings
found in AzulTestCase and commit the modifications.

Setting up the Azul build prerequisites on macOS 12 (Monterey)

The steps below are examplary for Python 3.12.7. Replace 3.12.7 with the value
of azul_python_version in environment.py.

Make bash the default shell. Google it.

Install Homebrew. Google it.

Install pyenv:

  1. brew install zlib pyenv

Install python

  1. pyenv install 3.12.7

Set PYENV_VERSION to 3.12.7 in environment.local.py at the project root.
Do not set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT. For a more maintainable configuration use
os.environ['azul_python_version'] as the value and import os at the top.

Install Docker Desktop. Google it.

Install Terraform by downloading and unziping the binary to a directory on the
PATH. Be sure to download the file for the architecture of your Mac. For Apple
Silicon the file name contains arm64, for older Intel Macs it’s amd64.

Installing Python 3.8.12 on macOS 11 (Big Sur)

pyenv macOS 11 GitHub issue

Users of macOS 11 or later may encounter a build failed error when installing
Python through pyenv. A patch was made available to remedy this:

First, ensure that bzip2 and any other requirements for the Python build
environment are met. See pyenv wiki for details:

  1. brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib bzip2

Follow any additional steps that brew prompts for at the end of the
installation. These should include modifying path variables LDFLAGS and
CPPFLAGS. The commands from the brew output to modify the aforementioned
path variables can be placed in ~/.bash_profile to make the change persistent.

Then install Python 3.8.12 using pyenv by running:

  1. pyenv install 3.8.12

Users of macOS 11 or later may encounter pip installation errors due to pip
not being able to locate the appropriate wheels. The information below will
help remedy this:

Resolution source

macOS 11 Release Notes

pip will not be able to locate the appropriate wheels due to the major release
version of macOS being incremented from 10.x to 11.x, instead pip will
attempt to compile wheels manually for wheels that it cannot locate.

In order to be able to run make requirements successfully, a backwards
compatibility flag needs to be added to the environment.local.py file in the
project root. The flag is SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 and it needs to be inserted
into the file (starting from line 25) as a key/value pair:

6. Branch flow & development process

This section should be considered a draft. It describes a future extension to the current branching flow.

The section below describes the flow we want to get to eventually, not the one
we are currently using while this repository recovers from the aftermath of its

The declared goal here is a process that prevents diverging forks yet allows
each project to operate independently as far as release schedule, deployment
cadence, project management and issue tracking is concerned. The main challenges
are 1) preventing contention on a single develop or master branch, 2)
isolating project-specific changes from generic ones, 3) maintaining a
reasonably linear and clean history and 4) ensuring code reuse.

The original repository, also known as
upstream, should only contain generic functionality and infrastructure code.
Project-specific functionality should be maintained in separate project-specific
forks of that repository. The upstream repository will only contain a master
branch and the occasional PR branch.

Azul dynamically imports project-specific plugin modules from a special location
in the Python package hierarchy: azul.projects. The package structure in
upstream is

  1. root
  2. ├── ...
  3. ├── src
  4. └── azul
  5. ├── index
  6. └── ...
  7. ├── projects (empty)
  8. ├── service
  9. └── ...
  10. └── util
  11. └── ...
  12. └── ...

Note that the projects directory is empty.

The directory structure in forked repositories is generally the same with one
important difference. While a fork’s master branch is an approximate mirror of
upstream’s master and therefore also lacks content in projects, that
directory does contain modules in the fork’s develop branch. In
HumanCellAtlas/azul-hca, the fork of Azul for the HumanCellAtlas project, the
develop branch would look like this:

  1. root
  2. ├── ...
  3. ├── src
  4. └── azul
  5. ├── index
  6. └── ...
  7. ├── projects
  8. └── hca
  9. └── ...
  10. ├── service
  11. └── ...
  12. └── util
  13. └── ...
  14. └── ...

The develop branch would only contain changes to the azul.projects.hca
package. All other changes would have to be considered generic—they would occur
on the fork’s master branch and eventually be merged into upstream’s master
branch. The master branches in each fork should not be divergent for sustained
periods of time while the project-specific branches can and will be.

The reason why each fork maintains a copy of the master branch is that forks
generally need to have a place to test and evaluate generic features before they
are promoted upstream. If there wasn’t a master branch in a fork, the
project-specific develop branch in that fork would inevitably conflate
project-specific changes with generic ones. It would be very hard to selectively
promote generic changes upstream, even if the generic changes were separate

The flow presented here establishes an easy-to-follow rule: If you’re modifying
azul.projects.hca, you need to do so in a PR against develop. If you’re
modifying anything else, you need to do so in a PR against master. The figure
below illustrates that.

  1. ●────● feature/generic-foo
  2. 4
  3. ─────●────────────────────────────────────●────●────────────── master
  4. azul
  5. ─╲─
  6. azul-hca
  7. ──────●────●────●────●────●────●────●────────────────────────── master
  8. 1 A' B'
  9. ●────● feature/master/generic-stuff
  10. A B
  11. ●─────────●─────────────●────●────●───────────────── develop
  12. 2 3 C' D'
  13. ●────● feature/develop/specific-stuff
  14. C D

Merge commit 1 from the upstream master branch integrates upstream changes
into the fork. These may be generic changes merged upstream from other forks or
changes that were directly PR-ed against master in upstream. Commit 2 marks
the beginning of the develop branch, adding the azul.projects.hca package.
Merge commit 3 brings the changes from commit 1 into the develop branch.

Another important rule is that collaborative branches like develop and
master are never rebased. Changes are exchanged between them using merge
commits instead. Individual branches however, like feature branches, are always
rebased onto the base branch. In the above example,
feature/master/generic-stuff is first rebased onto master, creating commits
A’ and B’. Later those changes are merged upstream via commit 4. Both the rebase
and the merge happen via a pull request, but the landing action will be “Rebase
and merge” for the first PR and “Create a merge commit” for the second.

The reason for this distinction is that rebasing usually triggers more rebasing
of branches that were based on the rebased branch. It also rewrites the commit
timestamps, thereby obfuscating the history to some extent. For these two
reasons, rebasing is not a sustainable practice for collaborative branches. For
individual branches however, rebasing is possible because feature branches are
typically not used as a base for other branches. Rebasing is also desirable
because it produces a cleaner, linear history and we should use it whenever
possible. The back and forth merging between collaborative branches produces a
history that’s somewhat convoluted so it is important to keep the history as
clean as possible in between merges.

Generic changes don’t have to be conceived in a fork. We can also PR them
directly against the upstream repository as illustrated by branch

The most common type of pull request in a fork is one against that fork’s
develop branch, feature/develop/specific-stuff for example. Note that
changes occurring on develop are never merged upstream.

As mentioned before, merge commit 4 is done via a pull request against the
upstream repository. It is possible and perfectly acceptable that such upstream
PRs combine multiple unrelated changes. They should be requested by the team
lead for the forking project and reviewed by an upstream lead. Shortly after the
PR lands, the requesting lead should perform a fast-forward merge of the
upstream master branch into the fork’s master branch. This will propagate
the merge commit downstream before any subsequent commits occurring on fork’s
master have a chance to complicate the history by introducing the infamous
merge of merge commits.

  1. $ git branch
  2. * master
  3. develop
  4. $ git merge --ff-only upstream/master
  5. Updating 450b0c0..212003c
  6. Fast-forward

This procedure requires that the lead’s local clone of the fork be set up with
two remotes: origin (the forked repository) and upstream (the upstream
repository). Other team members can usually get by with just one remote,

6.1 Deployment branches

The code in the upstream repository should never be deployed anywhere because it
does not contain any concrete modules to be loaded at runtime. The code in a
fork, however, is typically active in a number of deployments. The specifics
should be left to each project but the rule of thumb should be that each
deployment corresponds to a separate branch in the fork. The azul-hca fork has
four deployments: development, integration, staging and production. The
development deployment, or dev, is done from the develop branch. Whenever a
commit is pushed to that branch, a continuous deployment script deploys the code
to AWS. The other deployment branches are named accordingly. Changes are
promoted between deployments via a merge. The merge is likely going to be a
fast-forward. A push to any of the deployment branches will trigger a CI/CD
build that performs the deployment. The promotion could be automatic and/or
gated on a condition, like tests passing.

7. Operational Procedures

7.1 Main deployments and promotions

We will refer to the branch of the stage to which you are deploying as the
TARGET branch. The branch of the stage just below will be referred to as
the SOURCE branch.

This cheat sheet may differ from branch to branch. Be sure to follow the cheat
sheet in the README on the branch currently checked out.

7.1.1 Initial setup

Note: You can skip this step if you’ve deployed or promoted with Gitlab at
least once already.

  1. For promotion, we recommend keeping a separate clone of Azul that is never in
    a dirty state. To create this if it doesn’t yet exist run

    1. git clone git@github.com:DataBiosphere/azul.git azul.stable

    Then follow the setup instructions in 2.3 Project configuration.

  2. Next you will need to login to our Gitlab instance in order to be able to
    push to Gitlab which automatically takes care of most of the deployment
    process. If you haven’t signed on yet, sign on with Github. You will need at
    least developer permissions in order to be able to push to Gitlab.
    Contact the team lead if you have problems signing on or have insufficient

  3. Deposit you public SSH key into the SSH keys section of your profile so
    that you can push to Git repositories hosted on that Gitlab instance.

  4. Now that your SSH key is set up, you will need to add Gitlab as a remote. Run

    1. git remote add gitlab.dev git@ssh.gitlab.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu:ucsc/azul.git


    1. git fetch gitlab.dev

    to ensure that your connection is working.

If you have been given write access to our production Gitlab instance, you need
to repeat these steps for that instance as well. For the name of the git
remote use gitlab.prod instead of gitlab.dev in step 4 above. The hostname
of that instance is the same as that of the Gitlab instance for the lesser
deployments, without .dev.

Note that access to the production instance of Gitlab does not necessarily
imply access to production AWS account which that Gitlab instance deploys to.
So while you may be able to run certain make targets like make reindex or
make deploy against the development AWS account (with dev, integration
or staging selected), you may not be able to do the same for the production
AWS account (with prod selected).

7.1.2 Prepare for promotion

NOTE: Skip these steps if you are deploying without promoting changes.

NOTE: If promoting to staging or prod you will need to do these steps at least
24 hours in advance
so that the release notes are ready in time.

  1. From the azul.stable clone make sure all of the relevant branches are up to

    1. cd azul.stable
    2. git checkout SOURCE
    3. git pull
    4. git checkout TARGET
    5. git pull
  2. You should be on the TARGET branch. Run

    1. git merge --no-ff SOURCE

    and resolve conflicts in necessary. Conflict resolution should only be
    necessary if cherry-picks occurred on the target branch.

  3. The merge may have affected README.md, the file you are looking at right
    now. Reopen the file now to ensure you are following the updated version.

  4. Now you need to create the release notes. (Skip this step if no link to the release
    notes document can be found either in the #dcp-ops channel on HCA Slack or in
    the Google Drive folder mentioned in the DCP release SOP.

    To produce the list of changes for the DCP release notes, first find the
    previous release tag for the TARGET branch. Then run:

    1. git log LAST_RELEASE_TAG..HEAD --format="%C(auto) %h %s" --graph

    Edit this output so that the commits within merged branches are removed, along with
    merge commits between deployments. For example

    1. * C <-- merge commit
    2. |\
    3. | * B
    4. |/
    5. * A
    6. * Merge branch 'develop' into integration

    should be changed to look like

    1. * C <-- merge commit
    2. * A

    For the version, use the full hash of the latest commit:

    1. git log -1 --format="%H"
  5. At this point you should determine whether or not you will need to reindex.
    The CHANGELOG.yml should contain this information but is notoriously
    unreliable. Try running

    1. git diff LAST_RELEASE_TAG..HEAD src/azul/project/ src/azul/indexer.py src/azul/plugin.py src/azul/transformer.py

    where LAST_RELEASE_TAG is the previous release of the target branch. If the diff
    contains non-trivial changes reindexing is probably necessary. When in doubt
    assume yes.

7.1.3 Finishing up deployment / promotion

If promoting to staging or production this part of the process must be
coordinated on the
#dcp-ops Slack channel.
While any component can technically promote to integration at any time, you
should consider that promoting to integration while the DCP-wide test is red
for that deployment could interfere with other teams’ efforts to fix the test.
If in doubt ask on #dcp-ops.

None of these steps can be performed ahead of time. Only perform them once you
are ready to actually deploy.

  1. Activate your virtual environment and run

    1. source environment

    and then select the target deployment stage with

    1. _select STAGE

    where stage is one of dev, integration, staging, or prod

  2. Now you need to push the current branch to Github. This is needed because
    the Gitlab build performs a status check update on Github. This would fail
    if Github didn’t know the commit.

    1. git push origin
  3. Finally, push to Gitlab.

    1. git push gitlab.dev # for a dev, integration or staging deployment
    2. git push gitlab.prod # for a prod deployment

    The build should start immediately. You can monitor its progress from the
    Gitlab Pipelines page.

    If reindexing and promoting to staging or production, send a second
    warning about reindexing to the #data-wrangling channel at this point.

    Wait until the pipeline on Gitlab succeeds or fails. If the build fails before
    the deploy stage, no permanent changes were made to the deployment but you
    need to investigate the failure. If the pipeline fails at or after the deploy
    stage, you need triage the failure. If it can’t be resolved manually, you need
    to reset the branch back to the LAST_RELEASE_TAG and repeat step 2 in this section.

  4. Invoke the health and version endpoints.

    • For the develop branch and the corresponding dev deployment use

      1. http https://indexer.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      2. http https://service.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      3. http https://indexer.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
      4. http https://service.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
    • For the integration branch/deployment use

      1. http https://indexer.integration.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      2. http https://service.integration.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      3. http https://indexer.integration.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
      4. http https://service.integration.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
    • For the staging branch/deployment use

      1. http https://indexer.staging.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      2. http https://service.staging.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      3. http https://indexer.staging.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
      4. http https://service.staging.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
    • For the prod branch/deployment use

      1. http https://indexer.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      2. http https://service.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/version
      3. http https://indexer.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
      4. http https://service.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu/health
  5. Assuming everything is successful, run

    1. make tag

    and the

    1. git push ...

    invocation that it echoes.

  6. In Zenhub, move all tickets from the pipeline representing the source
    deployment of the promotion to the pipeline representing the target

  7. In the case that you need to reindex run the manual reindex job on the
    Gitlab pipeline representing the most recent build on the current branch.

7.2 Big red button

In the event of an emergency, Azul can be shut down immediately using the
enable_lambdas.py script. Before using this script, make sure that the desired
deployment is selected and your Python virtual environment is activated.

Shut down Azul by running

  1. python scripts/enable_lambdas.py --disable

Once your issue has been resolved, you can resume Azul’s services by running

  1. python scripts/enable_lambdas.py --enable

7.3 Copying bundles

In order to copy bundles from one DSS instance to another, you can use
scripts/copy_bundles.py. The script copies specific bundles or all bundles
listed in a given manifest. It iterates over all source bundles, and all files
in each source bundle. It copies the files by determining the native URL
(s3://… ) of the DSS blob object for each file and passing that native URL to
the destination DSS’ PUT /files endpoint as the source URL parameter for that
request. This means that it is actually the destination DSS that physically
copies the files. Once all files in a bundle were copied, the script requests
the PUT /bundles endpoint to create a copy of the source bundle.

The script is idempotent, meaning you can run it repeatedly without harm,
mostly thanks to the fact that the DSS’ PUT /files and PUT /bundles
endpoints are idempotent. If a script invocation resulted in a transient error,
running the script again will retry all DSS requests, both successful requests
and requests that failed in the previous invocation.

In order to determine the native URL of the source blob, the script needs
direct read access to the source DSS bucket. This is because blobs are an
implementation detail of the DSS and obtaining their native URL is not
supported by the DSS.

Furthermore, The destination DSS requires the source object to carry tags
containing the four checksums of the blob. Some blobs in some DSS instances
have those tags, some don’t. It is unclear the tags are supposed to be present
on all blob objects or if their presence is incidental. To work around this,
the script can optionally create those tags when the destination DSS complains
that they are missing. To enable the creation of checksum tags on source blob
objects, use the ---fix-tags option. Please be aware that --fix-tags
entails modifying object tags in the source (!) bucket.

The destination DSS instance requires read access to the blobs in the source
DSS bucket. The integration and staging instances can read each other’s
buckets so copies can be made between those two instances. To copy bundles from
a DSS instance that is in a different AWS account compared to the destination
instance, from prod to integration, for example, you will likely need to modify
the source DSS bucket’s bucket policy.

You should never copy to the HCA prod instance of the DSS.

Here is a complete example for copying bundles from prod to integration.

1) Ask someone with admin access to the DSS prod bucket (org-hca-dss-prod)
to add the following statements to the bucket policy of said bucket. The
first statement gives the destination DSS read access to the source DSS
instance. The second statement gives you read access to that bucket (needed
for direct access) and permission to set tags on objects (needed for

  1. [
  2. {
  3. "Sid": "copy-bundles",
  4. "Effect": "Allow",
  5. "Principal": {
  6. "AWS": [
  7. "arn:aws:iam::861229788715:role/dss-integration",
  8. "arn:aws:iam::861229788715:role/dss-s3-copy-sfn-integration",
  9. "arn:aws:iam::861229788715:role/dss-s3-copy-write-metadata-sfn-integration"
  10. ]
  11. },
  12. "Action": [
  13. "s3:GetObject",
  14. "s3:GetObjectTagging"
  15. ],
  16. "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::org-hca-dss-prod/*"
  17. },
  18. {
  19. "Sid": "direct-read-access-and-retag-blobs",
  20. "Effect": "Allow",
  21. "Principal": {
  22. "AWS": [
  23. "arn:aws:iam::861229788715:role/dcp-admin",
  24. "arn:aws:iam::861229788715:role/dcp-developer"
  25. ]
  26. },
  27. "Action": [
  28. "s3:GetObject",
  29. "s3:GetObjectTagging",
  30. "s3:PutObjectTagging"
  31. ],
  32. "Resource": [
  33. "arn:aws:s3:::org-hca-dss-prod/*"
  34. ]
  35. }
  36. ]

2) Select the integration deployment:

  1. _select integration

3) Run

  1. python scripts/copy_bundles.py --map-version 1.374856 \
  2. --fix-tags \
  3. --source https://dss.data.humancellatlas.org/v1 \
  4. --destination https://dss.integration.data.humancellatlas.org/v1 \
  5. --manifest /path/to/manifest.tsv

The --map-version option adds a specific duration to the version of each
copied file and bundle. Run python scripts/copy_bundles --help for details.

8. Scale testing

Scale testing can be done with Locust. Locust is a development requirement so
running it is straight-forward with your development environment set up.

  1. Make sure Locust is installed by running

    1. locust --version

    If it is not installed, do step 1.3 in this README.

  2. To scale test the Azul web service on integration run

    1. locust -f scripts/locust/service.py

    If you want to test against a different stage use the --host option:

    1. locust -f scripts/locust/service.py --host https://service.dev.singlecell.gi.ucsc.edu
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:8090 in your browser to start a test run.

For more advanced usage refer to the official Locust documentation.

9. Continuous deployment and integration

For the purposes of continually testing and deploying the Azul application, we
run the community edition of GitLab on a project-specific EC2 instance. There is
currently one such instance for the sandbox and dev deployments and another
one for prod.

The GitLab instances are provisioned through the gitlab Terraform component.
For more information about Terraform components, refer the section on shared
resources managed by Terraform
Within the gitlab component, the dev.gitlab child component provides a
single Gitlab EC2 instance that serves our CI/CD needs not only for dev but
for integration and staging as well. The prod.gitlab child component
provides the Gitlab EC2 instance for prod.

To access the web UI of the Gitlab instance for dev, visit
https://gitlab.dev.explore.…/, authenticating yourself with your GitHub
account. After attempting to log in for the first time, one of the
administrators will need to approve your access. For prod use

To have the Gitlab instance build a branch, one pushes that branch to the Azul
fork hosted on the Gitlab instance. The URL of the fork can be viewed by
visiting the GitLab web UI. One can only push via SSH, using a public SSH key
that must be deposited in each user’s profile on the GitLab web UI.

An Azul build on Gitlab runs the test, package, deploy, and
integration_test Makefile targets, in that order. The target deployment for
feature branches is sandbox, the protected branches (develop and prod use
their respective deployments.

9.1 VPN access to GitLab

The GitLab EC2 instance resides in a VPC that can only be accessed through a
VPN. The VPN uses AWS Client VPN. It is Amazon’s flavor of OpenVPN. The AWS
Client VPN endpoint is set up by Terraform as part of the dev.gitlab and
prod.gitlab components. VPN clients authenticate via certificates signed by
a certificate authority (CA) that is self-signed. A system administrator
(currently the technical lead) manages the CA on their local disk. That is
the only place where the private key for signing the CA certificate is kept.
If the CA private key is lost, the CA must be reinitialized, the VPN must be
redeployed and new client certificates must be issued. Each deployment of
GitLab uses a separate CA and therefore a separate set of client

Each client certificate is backed by a private key as well. That private key
resides solely on the developer’s local disk. If the developer’s private key
is lost, a new one must be issued.

When a developer with VPN access departs the team, either the entire CA must be
reinitialized and all remaining client certificates reissued or the departing
developer’s certificates must be revoked by adding it to the list of revoked
client certificates on the AWS Client VPN instance. The VPN’s server’s
certificate and private key is stored in ACM so that AWS Client VPN can
authenticate itself to clients and check validity of the certificates that
clients present to the server. Both client and server keys must be signed by
the same CA.

9.1.1 Setting up a VPN client

Install an OpenVPN client. On Ubuntu, the respective package is called
network-manager-openvpn-gnome. Popular clients for macOS are Tunnelblick
(free) and Viscosity (for pay, with 30 day trial). For Windows, only
Viscosity was tested but the official Windows client may also work there.

Generate a certificate request, import the certificate and generate the .ovpn
file containing the configuration for the VPN connection:

  1. _select dev.gitlab # or prod.gitlab, anvildev.gitlab
  2. cd terraform/gitlab/vpn
  3. git submodule update --init easy-rsa
  4. make init # (do this only once per GitLab deployment)
  5. make request # then send request to administrator
  6. make import # paste the certificate
  7. make config > ~/azul-gitlab-dev.ovpn # or azul-gitlab-prod.ovpn

The make init step creates a PKI directory in ~/.local/share outside of the
Azul source tree. It should only be done once per GitLab deployment. On a second
attempt it will ask for confirmation to overwrite the existing directory. If
confirmed, existing OpenVPN client connections will remain functional (as they
keep a copy of the private key) but you will lose the ability to regenerate the
.ovpn file.

Now import the generated .ovpn file into your client. make config prints
instructions on how to do so on Ubuntu. For other VPN clients the process is
pretty much self-explanatory. Delete the file after importing it. It contains
the private key and can always be regenerated again later using make config.

9.1.2 Ensuring split tunnel on client

Except on stable deployments, you should configure the client to only route VPC
traffic through the VPN. The VPN server will not forward any other traffic, in
what’s commonly referred to as a split tunnel. The key indicator of a split
tunnel is that it doesn’t set up a default route on the client system. There
will only be a route to the private 172.… subnet of the GitLab VPC but the
default route remains in place.

On stable deployments, split tunnels are prohibited.

The make config step prints instruction on how to configure a split tunnel
on Ubuntu.

For Viscosity, the steps are as follows:

1) Click the Viscosity menu bar icon (or the task bar icon on windows)

2) Click Preferences

3) Right-click azul-gitlab-dev or azul-gitlab-prod -> click Edit

4) Click the Networking tab

5) Under All traffic, select Automatic (Set by server)

6) Click Save

For Tunnelblick, the steps are as follows:

1) Right-click the Tunnelblick menu bar icon

2) Click VPN Details …

3) Click on the left-hand side bar entry for the connection you just imported

4) On the Settings tab of the right-hand side of the window, make sure that
the Route all IPv4 traffic through the VPN option is unchecked

9.1.2 Setting up the certificate authority

This must be done by a system administrator before a GitLab instance is first

  1. _select dev.gitlab # or prod.gitlab
  2. cd terraform/gitlab/vpn
  3. git submodule update --init easy-rsa
  4. make ca # initialize the CA (do this only once)
  5. make server # build the server certificate
  6. make publish # upload the server certificate to ACM
  7. cd ..
  8. make apply # (re)deploy GitLab

9.1.3 Issuing a certificate

To issue a client certificate for a developer so that they can access the VPN,
ask the developer to send you a certificate request as described in the previous
section . The request must be made under the developer’s email address as the
common name (CN). Sign the request:

  1. _select dev.gitlab # or prod.gitlab
  2. cd terraform/gitlab/vpn
  3. git submodule update --init easy-rsa
  4. make import/joe@foo.org
  5. make sign/joe@foo.org

Send the resulting certificate back to the requesting developer.

The communication channel through which requests and certificates are messaged
does not need to be private but it needs to ensure the integrity of the

9.1.4 Revoking a certificate

  1. _select dev.gitlab # or prod.gitlab
  2. cd terraform/gitlab/vpn
  3. git submodule update --init easy-rsa
  4. make revoke/joe@foo.org
  5. make publish_revocations

To list all previously issued certificates, use make list.

There are now precautions in place to prevent this situation but I’ll mention it
anyways. If this list contains more than one active certificate for the same CN,
all but the most recent one needs to be revoked by serial. Since easyrsa does
not support this out of the box, we need to jump through some extra hoops:

  1. eval "`make _admin _env`"
  2. mv $EASYRSA_PKI/issued/joe@foo.org.crt $EASYRSA_PKI/issued/joe@foo.org.crt.orig
  3. cp $EASYRSA_PKI/certs_by_serial/<SERIAL_OF_CERT_TO_BE_REVOKED>.pem $EASYRSA_PKI/issued/joe@foo.org.crt
  4. make revoke/joe@foo.org
  5. make publish_revocations
  6. mv $EASYRSA_PKI/issued/joe@foo.org.crt.orig $EASYRSA_PKI/issued/joe@foo.org.crt

9.1.5 Issuing a certificate on a person’s behalf

A private key and OpenVPN configuration can be generated by a system
administrator on behalf of any person that doesn’t have a configured working
copy of this repository. Doing so has the disadvantage of making that
person’s private key known to the system administrator and anyone that
eavesdrops on the channel through which the OpenVPN configuration
(which includes the private key) is communicated to the person.

To generate the key and OpenVPN configuration file on another person’s behalf,
invoke the make steps as outlined in 9.1.1 and
9.1.3 but use make client_cn=joe@foo.org instead
of make.

9.2 The Sandbox Deployment

There is only one such deployment and it should be used to validate feature
branches (one at a time) or to run experiments. This implies that access to the
sandbox must be coordinated externally e.g., via Slack. The project lead owns
the sandbox deployment and coordinates access to it.

9.3 Security

Gitlab has AWS write permissions for the AWS services used by Azul and the
principle of least privilege is applied as much as IAM allows it. Some AWS
services support restricting the creation and deletion of resource by matching
on the name. For these services, Gitlab can only create, modify or write
resources whose name begins with azul-*. Other services, such as API Gateway
only support matching on resource IDs. This is unfortunate because API Gateway
allocates the ID. Since it is therefore impossible to know the ID of an API before
creating it, Gitlab must be given write access to all API IDs. For details
refer to the azul-gitlab role and the policy of the same name, both defined in

Gitlab does not have general write permissions to IAM, its write access is
limited to creating roles and attaching policies to them as long as the roles
and policies specify the azul-gitlab policy as a permissions boundary. This
means that code running on the Gitlab instance can never escalate privileges
beyond the boundary. This mechanism is defined in the azul-gitlab-iam policy.

Code running on the Gitlab instance has access to credentials of a Google Cloud
service account that has write privileges to Google Cloud. This service account
for Gitlab is created automatically by TF but its private key is not. They need
to created manually and copied to /mnt/gitlab/runner/config/etc on the
instance. See section 9.9 for details.

9.4 Networking

The networking details are documented in gitlab.tf.json.template.py. The
Gitlab EC2 instance uses a VPC and is fronted by an Application Load Balancer
(ALB) and a Network Load Balancer (NLB). The ALB proxies HTTPS access to the
Gitlab web UI, the NLB provides SSH shell access and git+ssh access for
pushing to the project forks on the instance.

9.5 Storage

The Gitlab EC2 instance is attached to an EBS volume that contains all of
Gitlab’s data and configuration. That volume is not controlled by Terraform and
must be created manually before terraforming the gitlab component for the
first time. Details about creating and formatting the volume can be found in
gitlab.tf.json.template.py. The volume is mounted at /mnt/gitlab. The
configuration changes are tracked in a local Git repository on the system
administrator’s computer. The system administrator keeps the configuration files
consistent between GitLab instances.

When an instance boots and finds the EBS volume empty, Gitlab will initialize it
with default configuration. That configuration is very vulnerable because the
first user to visit the instance will be given the opportunity to chose the root
password. It is therefore important that you visit the Gitlab UI immediately
after the instance boots for the first time on an empty EBS volume.

Other than that, the default configuration is functional but lacks features like
sign-in with Github and a Docker image repository. To enable those you could
follow the respective Gitlab documentation but a faster approach is to compare
/mnt/gitlab/config/gitlab.rb between an existing Gitlab instance and the new
one. Just keep in mind that the new instance might have a newer version of
Gitlab which may have added new settings. You may see commented-out default
settings in the new gitlab.rb file that may be missing in the old one.

9.5.1 Freeing up storage space

There are three docker daemons running on the instance: the RancherOS system
daemon, the RancherOS user daemon and the Docker-in-Docker (DIND) daemon. For
reasons unknown at this time, the DIND keeps caching images, continually
consuming disk space until the /mnt/gitlab volume fills up. In the past, this
occurred once every six months or so. One of the symptoms might be a failing unit
test job with message like

2021-03-11 19:38:05,133 WARNING MainThread: There was a general error with document ContributionCoordinates(entity=EntityReference(entity_type='files', entity_id='5ceb5dc3-9194-494a-b1df-42bb75ab1a04'), aggregate=False, bundle=BundleFQID(uuid='94f2ba52-30c8-4de0-a78e-f95a3f8deb9c', version='2019-04-03T103426.471000Z'), deleted=False): {'_index': 'azul_v2_dev_test_files', '_type': 'doc', '_id': '5ceb5dc3-9194-494a-b1df-42bb75ab1a04_94f2ba52-30c8-4de0-a78e-f95a3f8deb9c_2019-04-03T103426.471000Z_exists', 'status': 403, 'error': {'type': 'cluster_block_exception', 'reason': 'blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];'}}. Total # of errors: 1, giving up.

A cron job running on the instance should prevent this by periodically pruning
unused images. If the above error occurs despite that, there might be a problem
with that cron job. To manually clean up unused images run:

  1. sudo docker exec -it gitlab-dind docker image prune -a --filter "until=720h"

on the instance.

9.6 The Gitlab web application

The instance runs Gitlab CE running inside a rather elaborate concoction of
Docker containers. See gitlab.tf.json.template.py for details. Administrative
tasks within a container should be performed with docker exec. To reconfigure
Gitlab, for example, one would run docker exec -it gitlab gitlab-ctl reconfigure.

9.7 Registering the Gitlab runner

The runner is the container that performs the builds. The instance is configured
to automatically start that container. The primary configuration for the runner
is in /mnt/gitlab/runner/config/config.toml. There is one catch, on a fresh
EBS volume that just been initialized, this file is missing, so the container
starts but doesn’t advertise any runners to Gitlab.

The easiest way to create the file is to kill the gitlab-runner container and
the run it manually using the docker run command from the systemd unit file,
but adding -it after run and register at the end of the command.
You will be prompted to supply a URL and a registration token as
documented here.

Note that since version 15.0.0 of GitLab, there is no way to convert a runner
from shared to project-specific or vice versa. If you want to register a runner
reserved to a specific group, you must get the registration token from
the CI/CDRunners page of the respective group. Runners reserved to a
project must be registered from the project’s SettingsCI/CDRunners
page. Shared runners are registered via AdminOverviewRunners.

Specify docker as the runner type and


as the image for Azul runners. For generic runners you could use the
docker:20.10.18-ce image instead, but you’d need to match the tag (aka
version) of the image currently used for the gitlab-dind container.

Here’s an example terminal transcript:

  1. $ systemctl stop gitlab-runner.service
  2. $ systemctl show gitlab-runner.service | grep ExecStart=
  3. ExecStart={ path=/usr/bin/docker ; argv[]=/usr/bin/docker run --name gitlab-runner
  4. $ /usr/bin/docker run -it --name gitlab-runner --rm --volume /mnt/gitlab/runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner --network gitlab-runner-net --env DOCKER_HOST=tcp://gitlab-dind:2375 gitlab/gitlab-runner:v15.9.1 register
  5. Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux pid=7 revision=d540b510 version=15.9.1
  6. Running in system-mode.
  7. Enter the GitLab instance URL (for example, https://gitlab.com/):
  8. https://gitlab.anvil.gi.ucsc.edu/
  9. Enter the registration token:
  11. Enter a description for the runner:
  12. [cd20ca0ec956]:
  13. Enter tags for the runner (comma-separated):
  14. Enter optional maintenance note for the runner:
  15. WARNING: Support for registration tokens and runner parameters in the 'register' command has been deprecated in GitLab Runner 15.6 and will be replaced with support for authentication tokens. For more information, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/380872
  16. Registering runner... succeeded runner=GR1348941eDiqsoCC
  17. Enter an executor: docker, shell, ssh, docker-ssh+machine, instance, custom, docker-ssh, parallels, virtualbox, docker+machine, kubernetes:
  18. docker
  19. Enter the default Docker image (for example, ruby:2.7):
  20. docker.gitlab.anvil.gi.ucsc.edu/ucsc/ azul/runner:latest
  21. Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!
  22. Configuration (with the authentication token) was saved in "/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml"

Once the container exits, config.toml should have been created. Edit it and
adjust the volumes setting to read

  1. volumes = ["/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", "/cache", "/etc/gitlab-runner/etc:/etc/gitlab"]

If you already have a GitLab instance to copy config.toml from, do that and
register the runners as described above. Copy the runner tokens from the newly
added runners at the end of config.toml to the preexisting runners. Then
discard the newly added runners from the file. For another instance’s
config.toml to work on a new instance, the only piece of information that
needs to be updated is the runner token. That’s because the runner token is
derived from the registration token which is different between the two

Finally, start the runner unit using systemctl start gitlab-runner.service or
simply reboot the instance. Either way, the Gitlab UI should now show the newly
registered runners.

9.8 The Gitlab runner image for Azul

Because the first stage of the Azul pipeline on Gitlab creates a dedicated image
containing the dependencies of the subsequent stages, that first stage only
requires the docker client binary, make and bash to be in the runner.
These are provided by yet another custom Docker image for the Gitlab runner that
executes Azul builds. This image must be created when the EBS volume attached to
the Gitlab instance is first provisioned, or when the corresponding Dockerfile
is modified. See terraform/gitlab/runner/Dockerfile for details on how to
build the image and register it with the runner.

9.9 Updating Gitlab

Modify the Docker image tags in gitlab.tf.json.template.py and run make apply in terraform/gitlab. The instance will be terminated (the EBS volume
will survive) and a new instance will be launched, with fresh containers from
updated images. This should be done regularly.

9.10 The Gitlab Build Environment

The /mnt/gitlab/runner/config/etc directory on the Gitlab EC2 instance is
mounted into the build container as /etc/gitlab. The Gitlab build for Azul
copies the files from the azul subdirectory of that directory into the Azul
project root. Secrets and other Gitlab-specific settings should be specified in
/mnt/gitlab/runner/config/etc/azul/environment.local which will end up in
${project_root}/environment.local where source environment will find and load
them. For secrets, we prefer this mechanism over specifying them as environment
variables under project settings on the Gitlab web UI. Only people with push
access can push code to intentionally or accidentally expose those variables,
push access is tied to shell access which is what one would normally need to
modify those files.

9.11. Cleaning up hung test containers

When cancelling the make test job on Gitlab, test containers will be left
running. To clean those up, ssh into the instance as described in
gitlab.tf.json.template.py and run docker exec gitlab-dind docker ps -qa | xargs docker exec gitlab-dind docker kill and again but with rm instead
of kill.

10. Kibana and Cerebro

Kibana is a web UI for interactively querying and managing an Elasticsearch
instance. To use Kibana with Azul’s AWS Elasticsearch instance, you have two

  • For one, you can add your local IP to the policy of Azul’s AWS Elasticsearch
    instance and access its Kibana directly. This can take 10 minutes and you
    might have to do it repeatedly because the policy is reset periodically,
    potentially multiple times a day.

  • Alternatively, you can use scripts/kibana_proxy.py to run Kibana locally
    and have it point at Azul’s AWS Elasticsearch instance. The script also
    starts a signing proxy which eliminates the need to add your local IP to the
    Elasticsearch policy, using your local AWS credentials instead for

    For the script to work, you need to

    • have Docker installed,

    • a deployment selected, and

    • environment sourced.

Cerebro is a cluster management web UI for Elasticsearch. It is very useful
for determining the status of individual nodes and shards. In addition to the
Kibana container, scripts/kibana_proxy.py also starts one for Cerebro.

Look for this line in the script output:

  1. Now open Kibana at and open Cerebro at
  2. (or paste in
  3. http://localhost:5603)

and open the specified URLs in your browser.

10.1 Connecting Kibana to a local Elasticsearch instance

Certain unit tests use a locally running Elasticsearch container. It’s possible
to connect a Kibana instance to such a container, in order to aid debugging.

While the unit test is running (paused at a breakpoint), open a terminal window.

Download the Kibana container:

  1. kibana_image=$azul_docker_registry$(python -m azul 'docker.resolve_docker_image_for_launch("pycharm")')
  2. docker pull $kibana_image

Copy the container name for the Elasticsearch instance you want to examine. This
is likely the most recent entry in

  1. docker ps


  1. docker run --link ES_CONTAINER_NAME:elasticsearch -p 5601:5601 $kibana_image

where ES_CONTAINER_NAME is what you copied from above.

Kibana should now be available at

Some of these steps were taken or modified from the official Elasticsearch

11. Managing dependencies

We pin all dependencies, direct and transitive ones alike. That’s the only way
to get a somewhat reproducible build. It’s possible that the build still
fails if a dependency version is deleted from pypi.org or if a dependency
maintainer re-releases a version, but aside from caching all dependencies,
pinning them is next best thing for reproducibility of the build.

Now, while pinning direct dependencies should be routine, chasing down
transitive dependencies and pinning those is difficult, tedious and prone to
errors. That’s why we automate that step: When a developer updates, adds or
removes a direct dependency, running make requirements_update will reevaluate
all transitive dependencies and update their pins. If the added direct
dependency has transitive dependencies, those will be picked up. It’s likely
that the reevaluation picks up updates to transitive dependencies unrelated to
the modified direct dependency, but that’s unavoidable. It’s even possible that
a direct dependency update causes a downgrade of a transitive dependency if the
updated direct dependency further restricts the allowed version range of the
transitive dependency.

We distinguish between run-time and build-time — or development
dependencies. A run-time dependency is a one that is needed by deployed code.
A build-time dependency is one that is not needed by deployed code, but by
some other code, like unit tests, for example. A developer’s virtualenv will
have both run-time and build-time dependencies installed. Combined with the
distinction between direct and transitive dependencies this yields four
categories of dependencies. Let’s refer to them as DR (direct run-time), TR
(transitive run-time), DB (direct build-time) and TB (transitive build-time).
The intersections DR ∩ TR, DB ∩ TB, DR ∩ DB, TR ∩ TB and DR ∩ TB should all be
empty but the intersection TR ∩ DB may not be.

Azul architecture diagram

Ambiguities can arise as to which version of a requirement should be used when
multiple requirements have overlapping transitive dependencies. We can’t
resolve these ambiguities automatically because different versions of a package
may have different dependencies in and of themselves, so pinning just the
dependency in question might omit some of its dependencies. By pinning it
explicitly the normal dependency resolution kicks in, including all transitive
dependencies of the pinned version.

make requirements_update will raise an exception when ambiguous requirements
are found.

  1. ERROR MainThread: Ambiguous version of transitive runtime requirement jsonschema==2.6.0,==3.2.0. Consider pinning it to the version used at build time (==3.2.0).

With this example case the solution would be to add jsonschema as a
direct run-time requirement in the file reqirements.txt along with a comment
# resolve ambiguity with build-time dependency, and then to run make requirements_update to remove the package as a transitive run-time requirement.

There is a separate category for requirements that need to be installed before
any other dependency is installed, either run-time or build-time, in order to
ensure that the remaining dependencies are resolved and installed correctly.
We call that category pip requirements and don’t distinguish between direct
or transitive requirements in that category.

12. Making wheels

Note: Support for custom wheels is currently disabled. We don’t currently have
any dependencies for which a binary wheel is unavailable. We’ll leave this
section in place until support is needed and enabled again

Some of Azul’s dependencies contain native code that needs to be compiled into
a binary executable which is then dynamically loaded into the Python
interpreter process when the package is imported. These dependencies are
commonly distributed in the form of wheels. A wheel is a Python package
distribution that contains the pre-compiled binary code for a particular
operating system and processor architecture combination, aka platform. Many such
packages lack a wheel for the linux_x86_64 platform that Lambda functions
execute on. Chalice will attempt to build the wheel on the fly during chalice package (make -C lambdas) but only if invoked on a system with linux_x86_64.
On macOS, Chalice will fail to build a wheel for the linux_x86_64 platform but
only prints a warning that’s easily missed. The deployed Lambda will likely
fail with an import error.

If you add a dependency on a package with native code, you need to build the
wheel manually:

  1. (.venv) ~/workspace/hca/azul$ docker run -it -v ${project_root}/:/root/azul python:3.12.7-slim-bookworm bash
  2. root@97804cb60d95:/# pip --version
  3. pip 24.2 from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)
  4. root@97804cb60d95:/# cd /root/azul/lambdas/.wheels
  5. root@97804cb60d95:~/azul/lambdas/.wheels# pip wheel jsonobject==2.0.0
  6. Collecting jsonobject==2.0.0
  7. Downloading jsonobject-2.0.0.tar.gz (402 kB)
  8. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 403.0/403.0 KB 9.0 MB/s eta 0:00:00
  9. Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
  10. Collecting six
  11. Downloading six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
  12. Saved ./six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  13. Building wheels for collected packages: jsonobject
  14. Building wheel for jsonobject (setup.py) ... done
  15. Created wheel for jsonobject: filename=jsonobject-2.0.0-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=1606493 sha256=7f69b1ef612e13265ea95817e24b7d33ec63f07c0924f8c8692ee689679e1a18
  16. Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/c1/1b/00/8958e64a98b73db2ca8d997a7034c93b545cdcf30054aa7e43
  17. Successfully built jsonobject
  18. root@97804cb60d95:~/azul/lambdas/.wheels# ls -l
  19. total 1584
  20. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1606493 May 10 00:35 jsonobject-2.0.0-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
  21. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11053 May 10 00:35 six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  22. root@97804cb60d95:~/azul/lambdas/.wheels# exit
  23. exit
  24. (.venv) ~/workspace/hca/azul$ ls -l lambdas/.wheels
  25. total 1584
  26. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1606493 May 9 17:35 jsonobject-2.0.0-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
  27. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11053 May 9 17:35 six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  28. (.venv) ~/workspace/hca/azul$ sudo chown -R `id -u`:`id -g` lambdas/.wheels
  29. (.venv) ~/workspace/hca/azul$ ls -l lambdas/.wheels
  30. total 1584
  31. -rw-r--r-- 1 hannes hannes 1606493 May 9 17:35 jsonobject-2.0.0-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl
  32. -rw-r--r-- 1 hannes hannes 11053 May 9 17:35 six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  33. (.venv) ~/workspace/hca/azul$

Then modify the wheels target in lambdas/*/Makefile to unzip the wheel into
the corresponding vendor directory.

Also see https://chalice.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/packaging.html

13. Development tools

13.1 OpenAPI development

To assist with adding documentation to the Azul Service OpenAPI page we can
run the service app locally:

  1. make -C lambdas/service local

The script serves the Swagger editor locally at a URL where your current version
of the API documentation is visible. Change the docs in azul/service/app.py,
save, refresh the page, and your changes will appear immediately.

13.2 Tracking changes to the OpenAPI definition

Changes to the OpenAPI definition are tracked in the source tree. When making
changes that affect the definition, run:

  1. make -C lambdas openapi

and commit any modifications to the openapi.json file. Failure to do so will
break continuous integration during make check_clean.