项目作者: torrobinson

项目描述 :
🔄 A small bash script I use to regularly backup all my GitHub repos to my Synology NAS
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/torrobinson/github-synology-sync.git
创建时间: 2020-08-14T02:23:57Z




A small bash script I use to regularly backup all my GitHub repos to my Synology NAS.

This repo serves mainly as a backup for my solution, should I lose it in the future.

It will use the GitHub API to iterate through all your owned public and private repositories, and back up every master branch, zipped, onto your Synology NAS.

Due to API limitations, this only backs up the first 100 repositories.


  • Create an OAuth token
    • Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens
    • Click the “Personal Access Tokens” tab
    • Click “Generate new token”
    • Check the scopes repo and read:user
    • Create the token and immediately copy and paste it in github2synology.sh, into the OAUTH_TOKEN variable.
  • Drop the script (github2synology.sh) somewhere on your NAS
    • For example, I dropped it in a (root)\sourcecode\GitHub shared folder
    • Edit github2synology.sh and update the BACKUP_PATH variable to reflect where you’ve dropped the script and want your repos backed-up to
  • [ ] Create the scheduled task

    • Open Control Panel -> System -> Task Scheduler
    • Click Create -> Scheduled Task -> User-defined script
    • [ ] General Tab:

      • Give it a name and select your root user
    • [ ] Schedule Tab:

      • Fill out any schedule as you need
    • [ ] Task Settings Tab

      • Enter the “Run command” as follows, replacing “sourcecode/GitHub” with the shared folder you created, if different:
        1. bash /volume1/sourcecode/GitHub/github2synology.sh
  1. - [ ] Click "OK" to create the task
  • Right-click your new User-defined script and click “Run” to immediately run the task.