A machine learning recommender for recommending personalized comedy shows in Nigeria based on ratings.
comedy_show_recommender is a machine learning recommender for recommending personalized comedy shows in Nigeria based on ratings.
In your git terminal use git command to clone:
git clone https://github.com/ezekielolugbami/comedy_show_recommender.git
Open a new terminal in whatever editor you are using and create a new environment. Remember to use the same Python version as in the requirement file.
conda create -n "comedy-recommender" python==3.7
Then proceed to activate the environment using:
conda activate comedy-recommender
Pip install the requirements file, contained in the root folder of the cloned project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to the base_model.py folder to run the script:
cd src/scripts/modeling/
Finally, run the command:
python base_model.py