You Only Look Once(YOLO) Object detection api
Download YOLO weight file from
YOLOsmall :
Put the ‘YOLO(version).ckpt’ in the ‘weight’ folder of downloaded code
(1) direct usage with default settings (display on console, show output image, no output file writing)
python YOLO_(small or tiny) -fromfile (input image filename)
(2) direct usage with custom settings
python YOLO_(small or tiny) argvs
where argvs are
-fromfile (input image filename) : input image file
-disp_console (0 or 1) : whether display results on terminal or not
-imshow (0 or 1) : whether display result image or not
-tofile_img (output image filename) : output image file
-tofile_txt (output txt filename) : output text file (contains class, x, y, w, h, probability)
(3) import on other scripts
import YOLO_(small or tiny)_tf
yolo = YOLO_(small or tiny)_tf.YOLO_TF()
yolo.disp_console = (True or False, default = True)
yolo.imshow = (True or False, default = True)
yolo.tofile_img = (output image filename)
yolo.tofile_txt = (output txt filename)
yolo.filewrite_img = (True or False, default = False)
yolo.filewrite_txt = (True of False, default = False)