项目作者: imakashsahu
项目描述 :
This Repository Focuses on the Python Script for New Instagram Graph API to Fetch the Input from the CSV file and Writes the data into the CSV file as well.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/imakashsahu/Instagram-Graph-API-Python.git
Instagram-Graph-API (Python)
This Repository Focus on the New Instagram Graph API and Fetches the Input from the CSV file and Writes the data in to CSV file as well.
1. subprocess
2. argparse
3. os
4. csv
5. requests
6. json
- Create a Facebook App at developers.facebook.com
- Go to Graph API Tools to obtain the Access Token (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/)
- Select User Token and Add the following permissions to access the Instagram Graph API
- Generate the Access Token valid for 1 Hour
- Now Copy the Access Token and Enter in defines.py
- Copy you Client ID and Client Secret Key from the developers.facebook.com App
- Now run the debug_access_token.py file to check the connection to the Graph API
- Now run get_long_lived_access_token.py to get access token valid for 60 Days & Enter this in defines.py
- Now run get_uer_facebook_pages.py to get the Facebook Page ID & Enter this in defines.py
- Now run get_uer_instagram_account.py to get the Instagram Account ID & Enter this in defines.py
- Now Enter the Instagram Username you wish to fetch details of in the ig_username.csv file
- Now run business_discovery.py to fetch the details of the usernames you entered in the ig_username.csv file
- Now open the ig_business.csv newly created and verify for desired results
- Now run media_discovery.py to fetch the details of the usernames you entered in the ig_username.csv file
- Now open the ig_media.csv newly created and verify for desired results
- Now Enter the Instagram Hashtag you wish to fetch Post of in the ig_hashtag_input.csv file
- Now run hashtag_discovery_recent_media.py to fetch the details of the usernames you entered in the ig_hashtag_input.csv file
- Now open the ig_hashtag_top_media.csv newly created and verify for desired results
- Now run hashtag_discovery_top_media.py to fetch the details of the usernames you entered in the ig_hashtag_input.csv file
- Now open the ig_hashtag_top_media.csv newly created and verify for desired results