A Python module to handle the I2C communication between a Raspberry Pi and an i2c backpack for a 16x2 char LCD.
A Python module to handle the I2C communication between a Raspberry Pi and an
i2c backpack for a 16x2 (or other size) char LCD.
This module supports screens with up to 4 lines. There’s no maximum width.
You can simply import the lcd_i2c as shown in the example and easily print to the
To install this module, run the following commands:
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
The second command might need to run as superuser or using sudo.
After creating a lcd_i2c object, you can use the following methods to write to the LCD:
println(string, line) # Print only on one line. All characters which won't fit are ignored
print(string, scroll_time = 5) # Print a string. If the string is too big for the
# lcd it will scroll through all the text.
clear() # Remove all text from the screen
The code in this project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3, or (at your option) any later version.