Testbed for the django-project-package-template Django project template.
This is a testbed for the
django-project-package-template Django project template.
It can be used to quickly test the template with development and production-like environments.
The following prerequisites are required to create and use the testbed.
To test the project template in a development environment run the following command:
make migrate createsuperuser runserver
It will install the required Python packages, start a new Django project using the project template
and set up the testbed. An random name will be chosen as package name.
Then it will run the database migrations, create a new superuser and start the development web
You can also specify the template manually, e.g. to use a local template using the TEMPLATE
environment variable:
TEMPLATE=../django-project-package-template make migrate createsuperuser runserver
To test the project template in a production-like environment run this command:
make server
It will create an initial Git commit and check the MANIFEST.in
file for completeness. Then it
will build the wheel of the project.
After that the production-like environment is created, which includes installing the wheel and its
dependencies. Then database migrations are run, a new superuser is created and the static files are
collected. Finally the Gunicorn WSGI server is started.
If you only want to build the wheel you can do it by running just this command:
make wheel
To clean up the installed Python packages and the testbed run this command:
make clean
Distributed under the MIT License.
Copyright 2018-2019 Markus Zapke-Gründemann