项目作者: muzammilaz

项目描述 :
OpenCV face detection w/dnn based profile card generator.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/muzammilaz/Silicard.git
创建时间: 2018-06-02T03:37:27Z

开源协议:MIT License



OpenCV face detection w/dnn based profile card generator.


Profile Tempelate Image

Sample Photos

Sample Photo with a phase with proper naming convention Sample Photo with a phase with proper naming convention


Generated profile image Generated profile image

File naming convention:

The script assumes that the image files are named in the following manner

  1. firstname_lastname-designation_title.ext


  1. Jared_dunn-chief_operating_officer.jpg

_Note: The name of the file is case insensitive as I have taken care of it in the script.
Supported file formats are png, jpg & jpeg._


  1. python generate_profiles.py -i some_directory\firstname_lastnames-designation.png


  1. python generate_profiles.py --all

This will run the script for all the files in the same directory as the script.

_Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images, these are downloaded via a search through google images.
Pied Piper logo and the name are owned by HBO._

Script reference credits : PyImageSearch

Card tempelate & background credit : Designed by Freepik