项目作者: sudeeep885

项目描述 :
This is a blog application made in Flask. Please visit the deployed version (refresh the page, if it shows internal server error)
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/sudeeep885/my-flask-techblog.git
创建时间: 2020-04-12T13:00:30Z




This is a blog application made in Flask. Please visit the deployed version (refresh the page, if it shows internal error)

It includes the following functionalities :
1) User registration
2) User login
3) User can upload his/her profile picture
4) User can create / read / update / delete a blog post
5) User logout

Tables created in MYSQL DATABASE :
1) Users(id, profile_pic, email, username, hashed_password)
2) BlogPost(id, user_id, title, date, text)

Steps to follow in order to run on you system :

1) Create credentials.py file in root directory having secret_key and sqlalchemy_database_uri variable along with it’s value as a string
2) Open command prompt and run

  1. flask db init

  2. flask db migrate -m “first migration”

  3. flask db upgrade

  4. and then run the app by writing, python app.py