a python grammar for evolutionary algorithms and heuristics
is clear dsl for composable evolutionary algorithms that optimised for joy.
We currently support python3.6 and python3.7 and you can install it via pip.
pip install evol
For more details you can read the docs but we advice everyone to get start by first checking out the examples in the /examples
directory. These stand alone examples should show the spirit of usage better than the docs.
The main idea is that you should be able to define a complex algorithm
in a composable way. To explain what we mean by this: let’s consider
two evolutionary algorithms for travelling salesman problems.
The first approach takes a collections of solutions and applies:
We can also think of another approach:
One could even combine the two algorithms into a new one:
You might notice that many parts of these algorithms are similar and it
is the goal of this library is to automate these parts. We hope to
provide an API that is fun to use and easy to tweak your heuristics in.
A working example of something silimar to what is depicted above is shown below. You can also find this code as an example in the /examples/simple_nonlinear.py
import random
from evol import Population, Evolution
def random_start():
This function generates a random (x,y) coordinate
return (random.random() - 0.5) * 20, (random.random() - 0.5) * 20
def func_to_optimise(xy):
This is the function we want to optimise (maximize)
x, y = xy
return -(1-x)**2 - 2*(2-x**2)**2
def pick_random_parents(pop):
This is how we are going to select parents from the population
mom = random.choice(pop)
dad = random.choice(pop)
return mom, dad
def make_child(mom, dad):
This function describes how two candidates combine into a new candidate
Note that the output is a tuple, just like the output of `random_start`
We leave it to the developer to ensure that chromosomes are of the same type
child_x = (mom[0] + dad[0])/2
child_y = (mom[1] + dad[1])/2
return child_x, child_y
def add_noise(chromosome, sigma):
This is a function that will add some noise to the chromosome.
new_x = chromosome[0] + (random.random()-0.5) * sigma
new_y = chromosome[1] + (random.random()-0.5) * sigma
return new_x, new_y
# We start by defining a population with candidates.
pop = Population(chromosomes=[random_start() for _ in range(200)],
eval_function=func_to_optimise, maximize=True)
# We define a sequence of steps to change these candidates
evo1 = (Evolution()
.breed(parent_picker=pick_random_parents, combiner=make_child)
.mutate(func=add_noise, sigma=1))
# We define another sequence of steps to change these candidates
evo2 = (Evolution()
.breed(parent_picker=pick_random_parents, combiner=make_child)
.mutate(func=add_noise, sigma=0.2))
# We are combining two evolutions into a third one. You don't have to
# but this approach demonstrates the flexibility of the library.
evo3 = (Evolution()
.repeat(evo1, n=50)
.repeat(evo2, n=10)
# In this step we are telling evol to apply the evolutions
# to the population of candidates.
pop = pop.evolve(evo3, n=5)
print(f"the best score found: {max([i.fitness for i in pop])}")
The best place to get started is the /examples
folder on github.
This folder contains self contained examples that work out of the