Pure python implementation of GloVe word embeddings
Pure python module of the original standford GloVe word embeddings (https://github.com/stanfordnlp/GloVe)
Especially for small-sized corpus, I need a testbed to revise the existing implementation for my own corpus. Computation only on python wasn’t that burdensome to my dataset so pyglove make it possible for me to extend the existing implementation and see the feedback from the result quickly
In my viewpoint, it was also beneficial for me to implement from the scratch and the actual python code is quite short to understand. Thus, it would be helpful to those trying to know how GloVe works
import pyglove
sentences = [
['english', 'is', 'language'],
['korean', 'is', 'language'],
['apple', 'is', 'fruit'],
['orange', 'is', 'fruit']
glove = pyglove.Glove(sentences, 5)
glove.fit(num_iteration=10, verbose=True)
# training parameters = {'verbose': True, 'num_iteration': 10, 'force_initialize': False, 'x_max': 100, 'self': <pyglove.Glove object at 0x0000018D7634E8D0>, 'num_procs': 8, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'alpha': 0.75}
# iteration # 0 ... loss = 0.000157
# iteration # 1 ... loss = 0.000136
# iteration # 2 ... loss = 0.000121
# iteration # 3 ... loss = 0.000109
# iteration # 4 ... loss = 0.000099
# iteration # 5 ... loss = 0.000091
# iteration # 6 ... loss = 0.000084
# iteration # 7 ... loss = 0.000078
# iteration # 8 ... loss = 0.000074
# iteration # 9 ... loss = 0.000069
# {'loss': [0.0001574291529957612, 0.0001361206120754304, 0.00012088565389266719, 0.0001085654500573538, 9.887222186502342e-05, 9.134157011817536e-05, 8.411223090092884e-05, 7.821567358495936e-05, 7.397871627005785e-05, 6.903190417689806e-05]}
# array([[ 0.03283078, -0.09509491, 0.01144493, -0.0792147 , -0.00604362],
# [-0.0914974 , -0.00968328, 0.0106788 , 0.07975675, 0.06333399],
# [-0.12997769, 0.01405516, 0.00665576, -0.12605855, 0.10085336],
# [-0.05772575, -0.0987888 , 0.04216925, 0.03932409, -0.11117414],
# [ 0.05258524, 0.12941625, 0.00424711, 0.14634097, 0.1428281 ],
# [ 0.04981236, 0.12080045, -0.00747386, 0.1580294 , 0.16541023],
# [-0.11051757, -0.00053117, 0.02030614, 0.03771172, 0.03350186]]#)
# {'is': 0, 'fruit': 1, 'language': 2, 'apple': 3, 'english': 4, 'korean': 5, 'orange': 6}
# {0: 'is', 1: 'fruit', 2: 'language', 3: 'apple', 4: 'english', 5: 'korean', 6: 'orange'}
# array([-0.12997769, 0.01405516, 0.00665576, -0.12605855, 0.10085336])
Features the original stanford Glove supports but pyglove doesn’t
Besides, pyglove is much slower than the original Glove