项目作者: ramlaxman

项目描述 :
Python for 10th Standard Kids
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ramlaxman/CharmingPython.git
创建时间: 2018-03-12T11:19:46Z



Charming Python

A Beginners Guide to Learn Python Easy Way.

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Table of Contents

Sr. No. Title Contents
1 Introduction Introduction to python programming language and know how of the tools and techniques to be used
2 Programming basics Syntax, Statements, Variables, Operators getting the ground work done for python.
3 Loops and Control Structures for, while, if-else etc. the crux logic creators of the program
4 Strings Simple yet most powerful and widely used data structure.
5 Lists and Dictionaries Pythons favourite data structures explained.
6 Functions Writing reusable code in the form of python methods
7 Classes and Objects Object Oriented concepts with python
8 Advanced Data Structures List, Stack, Queue and other data structures in python
9 File Operations How files work, reading writing to files, use of files for better programming
10 Errors and exceptions Try, catch the errors and exceptions to avoid code to break.
11 Standard Library Getting to know pre-written routines to get the work done faster.
12 Database Application Writing code from scratch to read and write database.
13 Research Project Exploring libraries related to data processing, e.g. numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas.
14 Web Development Flask, Django Web Server Development.
15 Automation Web Scraping, Google Suite, File Formats, Keyboard and Mouse.