Interactive tictactoe with an AI opponent
Interactive tictactoe with a built-in opponent
The game can be played between two users against each other or between a user and the computer with adjustable levels of difficulity. Currently available levels are Easy and Medium/Difficult. Impossible level is to be added.
Instructions (you may want to watch the demonstration video above):
In order to initialize the game, you should enter the following three commands: start #player1 #player2
1. "start"
2-3. either "user" (for human player) or "easy" / "medium" (for built-in opponent with the respective level of difficulty)
start user medium (human vs medium-level built-in player)
start medium easy (medium-level built-in player vs easy-level built-in player)
start user user (two human players)
Now you can enter enter the coordinates of your next move
2 2
1 3
2 2
To end the game, enter “exit”