:telescope: Search Engine in Python
A small search engine, using reverse index. Generations on the index (add/removal of documents).
The original work was a project given in class by Sylvain Utard (Algolia/Sorare)
CLI version was only tested on Linux (Manjaro)
CLI version:
Web version:
make run
Type ‘?’ or ‘help’ to use the cli search engine
Commands | Desc. |
search [words] | Return result of the docs were the words are present (AND operation by default) |
search_or [words] | Make search operation, but any document with at least one of words (OR operation) |
add [paths] | Index all file that are in the paths, create a new generation |
remove [documents] | Remove documents, must be full path, update in a new generation |
status | Give information about the loaded index |
load [index] | Load an index file |
save [index] | Save current index (+ generation) into index |
new (index_name) | Create a new empty index, use the ‘add’ command to index files, optional index name |
exit / quit | Stoop Engine |
version | Show version |
help / h / ? | Show help |
Comming soon
Generate Index
Generate Generations