项目作者: harryjubb

项目描述 :
Custom key profiles for the Duckypad macro keypad
项目地址: git://github.com/harryjubb/duckypad-profiles.git
创建时间: 2021-04-06T15:11:08Z

开源协议:MIT License


Duckypad Profiles

Custom key profiles for the duckyPad macro keypad.


Rename each profile you want to use to change the x in profilex to be the profile number you’d like to use.

Follow the instructions for copying profiles onto the duckyPad.


Mac OS X

Profile: profilex_OS X

Basic macros for OS X.


Resize windows: Mac OS X

Profile: profilex_Resize

Resize windows to fill a proportion of the screen. Requires the free Rectangle to be running, and uses the default keybindings.


Evil Genius 2

Profile: profilex_EvGen 2

Hotkeys for Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2

Visual Studio Code: Mac OS X

Profile: profilex_VSCode

Hotkeys for Visual Studio Code

Requires the Bookmarks extension, and includes a Python-specific import organisation shortcut.

Check that shortcuts match the Duckyscript and adjust the shortcut or Duckyscript as appropriate.

Visual Studio Code