dotfiles for frontend development in Mac os X, includes oh-my-zsh, vscode settings and git aliases and several utilities
git clone ~/dotfiles && (cd ~/dotfiles && ./ && rm ~/dotfiles
Oh My Zsh as your default in terminal
zsh theme (solarized dark) for terminal app
Dark theme OS X and defaults override
Alias | Description |
l |
ls -la |
.. |
cd .. |
~ |
cd ~. |
rm |
rm -rf |
w |
Go to ~/workspace folder |
finder |
Open finder in the current Folder |
clean |
Delete .DS_Store files |
Alias | Description |
ip |
Show your current ip address |
emptytrash |
Empty the Trash on all mounted volumes and the main HDD |
zip |
Create a zip |
code |
Open Visual Studio Code |
update |
To update brew and npm |
chrome |
Opens Google chrome |
Alias | Description |
git c |
git commit -m |
git ca |
git commit -am |
git snapshot |
!git stash save "snapshot: $(date)" && git stash apply "stash@{0}" |
git snapshots |
!git stash list --grep snapshot |
git amend |
git commit --amend |
git co |
git checkout |
git cob |
git checkout -b |
git d |
git diff |
git l |
git log --graph --date=short |
git changes |
git log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" --name-status |
git unstage |
git reset HEAD |
git uncommit |
git reset --soft HEAD^ |
git st |
git status |
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