Create bytefield latex digrams with the use of rust proc-macros and deku
Create LaTeX bytefield diagrams with the
use of rust proc-macros and the deku library.
run $ cargo doc --open
See bintex::attribute
for Attribute details and examples.
Run $ cargo run && pdflatex sample.tex
to create the following illustration from code:
use bintex::{BinTex, BinTexOutput};
use deku::prelude::*;
#[bintex(bit_width = 32)]
struct Ipv6 {
#[deku(bits = "4")]
version: u8,
#[deku(bits = "6")]
ds: u8,
#[deku(bits = "2")]
ecn: u8,
#[deku(bits = "20")]
label: u32,
length: u16,
next_header: u8,
hop_limit: u8,
src: u32,
dst: u32,