SpringBoot Web application + Tomcat running in Docker for deployment
Note: In order to run your Spring Boot app in standalone tomcat, please do make the code changes mentioned in Deploying SpringBoot application in Standalone Tomcat
FROM tomcat:8.5-jdk11-openjdk-slim
ADD target/sample.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
CMD ["catalina.sh", "run"]
Keyword | Usage |
FROM | Base image on top of which our custom image is to be build |
ADD | Copy war file into webapps folder inside Docker |
EXPOSE | Expose port 8080 outside Docker container |
CMD | The command to be executed when the Docker image is run |
Now run the command
> docker-compose up --build
Note : —build is used to build images before starting the container instead of using the existing image
Above command will start processing docker-compose.yml file. Since we specified build: . in docker-compose.yml file, it will look for Dockerfile in current directory & build a custom image using the same.
Once the docker container is up, try hitting http://localhost:8080/sample/index?name=Vicky