A discord bot to create interactive simple polls easily.
A discord bot to create interactive simple polls easily.
To use this bot type !poll help
to see the commands availables. Be aware that only administrators or users with
a role named “Poll Creator” can interact with the bot. The “Poll Creator” role has to be created manually and does not
need any permisssion.
You can also use !poll examples
to see several examples of how to use the bot.
To host it create a file name “botconfig.json” or rename and edit “botconfig-sample.json” in the bot’s folder. In this file must appear the token of the bot, the prefix (“!poll” by default) and, if wanted, a link to invite.
"token":"your token",
"link":"the link to invite the bot (optional)"
Then in a command line in the bot’s folder use npm install
Now, to start the bot use node index.js
I’m also hosting an instance of the bot you can invite it with this link: