项目作者: toczak
项目描述 :
Pytod - ask and answer, like StackOverflow. Builded with JavaEE.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/toczak/Pytod.git
The application was created as a student project. This page works similar as StackOverflow. Users can ask questions and answer other users questions.
- Java 8
- Servlets
- Bootstrap 4
Release History
When creating the application, I had to implement several functions at different stages:
- Logged in users can ask questions and answer.
- Users, posts and answers are store in JSON files.
- Guests and users can read posts and search by title.
- Saving the user’s IP address in case of login failure (using the filter).
- The number of posts on a home page must be set as the init parameter.
- Some elements of the page must be different in different browsers (using the filter).
- The application must show the number of currently logged in users (using the listener).
- Divide pages into elements such as header, navigation bar, main content, footer.
- Add pages such as: my account, my questions, my answers.
- Build your own tag to allow logged in users to rate answers. One user can only rate a answers on a scale of 1-10 once. Store grades in a JSON file. Display the average rating of each answers in the footer.
- Store data such as users, posts, answers and grades in a database (MySQL)
- Use JSTL library to manage data in database (CRUD)
- Add the admin role to the application. Permit to: delete posts, delete answers, edit answers.
1.3 - currently
- Create module to manage accounts of users in JSF framework. Only admin have permissions to log in.
- change user account type,
- change user password,
- delete user accounts,
- block and unblock users,
- set an alert that will be displayed after the user logs in,
- force password change after the user logs in.