项目作者: cypriluc

项目描述 :
use d3.js to draw and edit a polyline
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/cypriluc/editable-polyline.git
创建时间: 2021-01-07T15:31:02Z



Simple HTML SVG Editor

Javascript project for drawing and editing Svg polylines

Built with

Getting started

Clone or download the repository and run the files locally through a local web server (e.g. Live Server for VS code)



Start drawing a polyline by clicking on the canvas.

Finish the polyline by:

  • click on the last point / or press Esc key -> as opened polyline
  • click on the first point / or press Enter key -> as closed polyline

Select active polyline:

  • click on the inactive polyline -> in edit or move mode

Deselect active polyline:

  • Esc key -> when not drawing

Navigation panel buttons:

  • Draw -> mode to draw polylines on canvas
  • Edit -> mode to edit active polyline shape - drag by control points
  • Move -> mode to drag whole polyline within the canvas

  • Show grid -> toggle the grid visibility on and off

  • Snap -> toggle snapping to the grid on and off
  • Resolution -> set the grid resolution in pixels

  • Undo / Ctrl+Z -> Step backward

  • Redo / CTRL+Y -> Step forward

  • Delete path -> delete active polyline

  • Clear canvas -> delete all polylines


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
