A responsive theme for JSON Resume.
This is a theme for JSON Resume, it’s responsive for multi screens, also trying to fit all infomation in a print page.
To get started with theme development, this is what you’ll need:
Then install resume-cli
npm install -g resume-cli
Download or clone this repo to local:
git clone https://github.com/ricosmall/jsonresume-theme-apage
Create a resume.json
cd jsonresume-theme-apage
resume init
Serve your file with the theme:
resume serve
Current support chinese, english, french and spanish. By default, use process.env.LANG
to get your locale. For example, if your computer language is chinese, will automatically set language to chinese when rendering.
You can also manually define it when using command resume
, for example, if you want english support, just run like below:
# serve
LANG=en resume serve
# export
LANG=en resume export resume.pdf
# for those node with the Lang of en, you can use the following to render chinese resume
LANG=zh resume serve
You can add extra fileds in basics
"basics": {
"sex": "男",
"age": "24",
"workYears": "3年经验",
"educationLevel": "本科",
"avatar": "https://avatar.com/yourname.jpg"
And those fields will display at the top of resume page, see the demo.
You can also add extra filed summary
in json file
"basics": {},
"summary": [
"在开始 Pied Piper 之前,在 Hooli 担任兼职软件开发人员。",
And the field will display at the bottom of resume page, see the demo
Available under the MIT license.