Export excel to xml, json, lua, etc., and automatically generate the read code.
Proton is a excel export configuration file for the tool, you can export to xml, json, lua format, through external expansion can automatically generate the configuration to read the code, simple and flexible easy to use, indeed powerful.
Use the “-c” parameter to generate a json file containing excel format information, each language can be automatically generated to achieve this code to read the tool, the specific format. Has achieved the C # language tools, other language users, can be realized, welcomed the realization of the code links for the needs of people to use.
sample directory is a well configured under the direct use of the Windows example. Already contains a python3 environment, directly run export.bat to complete the export. Need to add a new Excel file, modify the export.py related array.
usage python proton.py [-p filelist] [-f outfolder] [-e format]
-p : input excel files, use , or ; or space to separate
-f : out folder
-e : format, json or xml or lua
-s :sign, controls whether the column is exported, defalut all export
-t : suffix, export file suffix
-r : the separator of object field, default is ; you can use it to change
-m : use the count of multiprocesses to export, default is cpu count
-c : a file path, save the excel structure to json,
the external program uses this file to automatically generate the read code
-h : print this help message and exit
Wiki https://github.com/yanghuan/proton/wiki/document_en
FAQ https://github.com/yanghuan/proton/wiki/FAQ_en
usage python proton.py [-p filelist] [-f outfolder] [-e format]
-p : input excel files, use , or ; or space to separate
-f : out folder
-e : format, json or xml or lua
-s :sign, controls whether the column is exported, defalut all export
-t : suffix, export file suffix
-r : the separator of object field, default is ; you can use it to change
-m : use the count of multiprocesses to export, default is cpu count
-c : a file path, save the excel structure to json,
the external program uses this file to automatically generate the read code
-h : print this help message and exit
格式说明 https://github.com/yanghuan/proton/wiki/document_zh
FAQ https://github.com/yanghuan/proton/wiki/FAQ_zh