Jenkins configuration to build nightly servers.
Keep a test server updated.
This project creates a Jenkins installation with a Multibranch Pipeline Job, that deploy some test servers for Sakai.
To deploy your custom jenkins server you only need docker/docker-compose installed and follow this steps:
- Clone this repo.
- Go to `docker-jenkins` folder.
- Create `variables.env` file to customize your deployment. (See demo_variables.env file)
- Add some oracle credentials in order to download jdk8.
- Add Etherpad configuration.
- Also add VIRTUAL_HOST variable with the domain of your jenkins server.
- VIRTUAL_HOST=jenkins.mydomain
- You're going to create one test server for each branch, so set the server name for that servers.
- SERVER_NAME_<branch_name>=mybranch.mydomain
- Also configure database names:
- Add certs folder with all certificates for all servers if you want to use ssl.
- jenkins.mydomain.crt,jenkins.mydomain.key,mybranch.mydomain.crt,...
- If you don't want SSL at all add HTTPS_METHOD=nohttps in variables.env
- Ensure that you have /opt/jenkins_home and /opt/jenkins folders with permisions for UID 1000 (container jenkins user)
- The `jenkins_home` will contain every job workspace.
- The `jenkins` folder will contain the .m2 repository.
- Type `docker-compose -p nightly up -d`
- `nightly` name is important, the network is based on that name.
After jenkins server is up you just have to run Multibranch Pipeline Job to get a Sakai nightly server for each branch up and running.