Java | MySQL | phpMyAdmin
e-VENT is a simple Java application and was developed to help events specialists for event management and/or event planning.
This is my team’s final project in Programming Applications subject in Saint Louis University, Baguio City.
To run this program, please import the SQL database to a wamp server.
Run WAMP Server. If you don’t have such program then install.
Go to phpmyadmin in your localhost. If you don’t know phpmyadmin, open your browser and type “localhost/phpmyadmin”. Or right click the wamp icon in your taskbar and choose phpmyadmin.
Import the SQL file from the e-VENT DB folder. You will see an import button in phpmyadmin, don’t worry. I don’t need to explain this further. Moving on…
Now, run the program. Preferrably, use netbeans. If you also don’t have this kind of program then install.