PHP SDK for development with the Shopify API
This SDK was created to enable rapid efficient development using Shopify’s API.
Easily install this package with composer
composer require robwittman/shopify-php-sdk
Before you can start using this SDK, you have to create a Shopify Application
You can now use the API key and secret to generate access tokens, which can then access a stores data
To initialize the Api Client:
$client = new Shopify\Api(array(
'api_key' => '<api_key>',
'api_secret' => '<api_secret>',
'myshopify_domain' => '',
'access_token' => '<store_access_token>'
If you are using a Private App for use on an individual store:
$client = new Shopify\PrivateApi(array(
'api_key' => '<api-key>',
'password' => '<password>',
'shared_secret' => '<shared-secret>',
'myshopify_domain' => '<store>'
Once the client is initialized, you can then create a service, and use it to communicate with the api
$service = new Shopify\Service\ProductService($client);
$service->all(); #Fetch all products, with optional params
$service->get($productId); # Get a single product
$service->count(); # Count the resources
$service = new Shopify\Service\ProductService($client);
$product = new Shopify\Object\Product();
# Set some product fields
$product->title = 'Test Product';
$product->vendor = 'Printer';
$service = new Shopify\Service\ProductService($client);
$product = $service->get($productId);
# Set some product fields
$product->title = 'Test Product';
$product->vendor = 'Printer';
$service = new Shopify\Service\ProductService($client);
$service = new Shopify\Service\GraphQLService($client);
products(query: "created_at:<2019", first: 5) {
edges {
node {
$service = new Shopify\Service\GraphQLService($client);
'mutation productCreate($input: ProductInput!){
productCreate(input: $input) {
product {
['input' => ['title' => 'Sweet new product','productType' => 'Snowboard','vendor' => 'JadedPixel']]
Authentication to Shopify’s API is done through access tokens, which are obtained through OAuth. To get a
token, there is a helper library packaged with this client
$client = new Shopify\Api($params);
$helper = $client->getOAuthHelper();
$redirectUri = 'https://localhost/install.php';
$scopes = 'write_products,read_orders,...';
$authorizationUrl = $helper->getAuthorizationUrl($redirectUri, $scopes);
header("Location: {$authorizationUrl}");
At your redirect_uri
, instantiate the helper again to get an access token
$client = new Shopify\Api($params);
$helper = $client->getOAuthHelper();
$token = $helper->getAccessToken($code);
echo $token->access_token;
echo $token->scopes;
By default, this uses simple session storage. You can implement a custom class that implements PersistentStorageInterface
pass that to new Shopify\Api()
, and OAuthHelper
will use that instead. This will be required if authorization requests and
redirects may be directed to different servers.
Object properties can be accessed using object->property
. Nested objects are instantiated classes. All timestamp fields are instances of \DateTime
use Shopify\Enum\Fields\ProductFields;
use Shopify\Enum\Fields\ProductVariantFields;
$product = $service->get($productId);
echo $product->created_at->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
echo $product->title;
foreach ($product->variants as $variant) {
echo $variant->option1;
echo $variant->option2;