项目作者: WoLfulus

项目描述 :
PHP project template
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/WoLfulus/php-template.git
创建时间: 2020-03-27T20:10:35Z



PHP Template

This is an opinionated project template that includes some repetitive and time consuming setups.


Source folder src with a code file.


Tests folder tests with a test file. Uses phpunit to execute tests.

composer test

Code coverage

Tests also generates coverage reports.


File formatter, that can automatically fix fix source files. Uses php-cs-fixer to format files.

composer format.

Style checks

Checks for files that doesn’t conform with the project style rules. Uses php-cs-fixer to check files.

composer lint:php-cs-fixer

Static analysis

Static code analysis. Uses phpstan with phpstan-strict-rules.

composer lint:phpstan


Can run both style checks and static analysis.

composer lint

Code quality

Code quality analysis. Uses phpinsights for quality checks.

composer insights

Code metrics

Code metrics report with complexity, volume, maintainability and more. Uses phpmetrics to provide project metrics.

composer metrics


Provides a GitHub workflow to run tests and linter. Caches composer dependencies, and uses hirak/prestissimo to speed up installations.

composer ci


Provides basic configuration integration to SonarCloud and Coveralls