AMQP Connection Manager
AMQP connection manager
The package can be installed by adding carrot
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:carrot, "~> 1.0"}]
Carrot does not use Mix
or Application
configuration. The ConnectionManager
simply takes a Keyword
list of connection options as the first argument tostart_link/2
{:ok, pid} = Carrot.ConnectionManager.start_link([
host: "localhost",
password: "guest",
username: "guest",
virtual_host: "/"
The ConnectionManager
is meant to be started as part of a supervision tree.
Therefore, it is most common to register the process with a name. The second
argument to start_link/2
is a list of GenServer
See Name Registration
for more details.
worker(Carrot.ConnectionManager, [
host: "localhost",
password: "guest",
username: "guest",
virtual_host: "/"
name: Carrot.ConnectionManager
If your application dependends on cowboy
at v1.x
, you may need to add a
dependency override for ranch
{:ranch, "~> 1.4", override: true}
It appears there are no breaking changes between ranch
and 1.5
Another issue you might come across is from a dependency on lager
. You may
need to ensure that lager
is started before Elixir’s logger
# mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:lager, :logger]]
You can also silence lager
by setting its log level to critical
config :lager,
handlers: [level: :critical]
Documentation can be be found on HexDocs.