项目作者: ChunyuanLI

项目描述 :
Persistence Diagram for Structural Recognition
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/ChunyuanLI/Persistence_Diagram.git
创建时间: 2017-02-28T16:28:37Z



Persistence Diagram for Structural Recognition


3D Shape Retrieval

  1. Go to folder ‘PD_shape/scripts/experiments_nonrigid/‘. Please donwload the 3D mesh shape datasets here
  1. Run ‘compute_LB_eigen.m’ to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvector for meshes

  2. Find all PD related code in ‘PD_shape/scripts/‘

Hand Gesture Classification

  1. Data: Please unzip the data in ‘PD_shape/Data.zip’

  2. Find all PD related code in ‘PD_shape/‘


Please cite our CVPR paper if it helps your research:

  1. @inproceedings{li2014persistence,
  2. title={Persistence-based structural recognition},
  3. author={Li, Chunyuan and Ovsjanikov, Maks and Chazal, Frederic},
  4. booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  5. pages={1995--2002},
  6. year={2014}
  7. }