项目作者: anassmeskini

项目描述 :
Heuristics for mixed-integer programming
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/anassmeskini/GPH.git
创建时间: 2019-03-13T15:05:34Z

开源协议:MIT License



General-purpose heuristics for mixed-integer programming


GPH implements approximation algorithms for quickly finding feasible solutions to problems of the form:

The algorithms implemented are the heuristics usually embedded in MIP solvers.
A description of these algorithms can be found here.
The heuristics do not require the problem to have any particular structure.

The code is written in C++17 with a simple object-oriented design and provides data structures that allow for an efficient implementation of the algorithms.
Additionally, the code is parallelized using the Thread Building Blocks library.


  • The problem data is stored by the class MIP: the constraint matrix is stored in row-major and column-major order as two sparse matrices and the rest of the problem is stored as dense vectors.
  • A feasibility heuristic is a class derived from FeasibilityHeuristic and implements the method run.
    Similarly, an improvement heuristic is a class derived from ImprovementHeuristic that implements the method improve.
  • The class Search takes a list of heuristics as input and runs them in parallel. If the feasibility heuristics find a solution, it is passed to the improvement heuristics.


GPH depends on an external LP solver and the Thread Building Blocks library and uses CMake for compilation. Three LP solvers are supported: Cplex, SoPlex and GLPK.
zlib is an optional dependency to read input in gzip format.

Example: compiling with SoPlex

  1. git clone https://github.com/anassmeskini/GPH
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake .. -DSOLVER=soplex -DTBB_ROOT=/path/to/tbb
  5. make

If the LP solver is not installed system-wide, the path needs to be provided to cmake (by adding -DSOPLEX_DIR=/path/to/soplex in the example).


The executable reads plain text and gzip files in MPS format.

  2. ./gph <input file> [-l <tlimit>] [-t <nthreads>] [-w] [-s <start_sol>] [-c <config>]
  4. <tlimit> time limit in seconds
  5. <nthreads> number of threads to use
  6. -w write solution to disk
  7. <start_sol> path to solution to improve
  8. <config> configuration file