项目作者: equinix

项目描述 :
Terraform module for quick deployment of VERSA Networks FlexVNF SD-WAN edge device
高级语言: HCL
项目地址: git://github.com/equinix/terraform-equinix-versa-flexvnf.git
创建时间: 2021-03-22T12:28:36Z

开源协议:MIT License


Equinix Network Edge: VERSA Networks FlexVNF SD-WAN edge device

A Terraform module to create VERSA Networks FlexVNF SD-WAN network edge device
on the Equinix platform.

Terraform status

Supported device modes:

Management Mode License mode Notes
Self managed Bring your own license -


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
equinix/equinix >= 1.1.0


Name Version
equinix/equinix >= 1.1.0


  • if account_number is not provided, then Active account within given metro
    will be used
  • most recent, stable version of a device software for a given software_package
    will be used
  • secondary device name will be same as primary with -secondary suffix added
  • secondary device notification list will be same as for primary
  • secondary device interface count will be always same as primary interface count

Example usage

  1. provider equinix {
  2. client_id = var.equinix_client_id
  3. client_secret = var.equinix_client_secret
  4. }
  5. module "versa-flexvnf" {
  6. source = "equinix/versa-flexvnf/equinix"
  7. version = "1.0.0-beta"
  8. metro_code = "SV"
  9. platform = "large"
  10. software_package = "FLEX_VNF_6"
  11. name = "tf-tst-versa"
  12. term_length = 1
  13. notifications = ["test@test.com"]
  14. acl_tempalte_id = "2e365e34-8f38-46e1-9f57-94b075d5dc09"
  15. interface_count = 16
  16. controller_1_ip = ""
  17. controller_2_ip = ""
  18. local_id = "sdwan@versa.com"
  19. remote_id = "controller-01@versa.com"
  20. serial_number = "Test1"
  21. secondary = {
  22. enabled = true
  23. metro_code = "DC"
  24. acl_tempalte_id = "81a90c41-8a22-4724-997c-bdc07f401387"
  25. controller_1_ip = ""
  26. controller_2_ip = ""
  27. local_id = "sdwan@versa.com"
  28. remote_id = "controller-01@versa.com"
  29. serial_number = "Test2"
  30. }
  31. }


Name Description Type Default Required
metro_code Two-letter device location’s metro code string "" yes
account_number Billing account number for a device. If not provided, active account for a device metro code will be used string 0 no
platform Device hardware platform flavor: small, medium, large, xlarge string "" yes
software_package Device software package: FLEX_VNF_2, FLEX_VNF_4, FLEX_VNF_6, FLEX_VNF_16 string "" yes
name Device name string "" yes
term_length Term length in months: 1, 12, 24, 36 number 0 yes
notifications List of email addresses that will receive notifications about device list(string) n/a yes
acl_template_id Identifier of a network ACL template that will be applied on a device string "" yes
additional_bandwidth Amount of additional internet bandwidth for a device, in Mbps number 0 no
interface_count Device interface count: either 10 or 16 number 10 no
controller_1_ip IP address for SDWAN controller 1 string "" yes
controller_2_ip IP address for SDWAN controller 2 string "" yes
local_id Local identifier from Versa configuration in email format” string "" yes
remote_id Remote identifier from Versa configuration in email format” string "" yes
serial_number Device serial number” string "" yes
secondary Map of secondary device attributes in redundant setup map N/A no

Secondary device map attributes:

Name Description Type Default Required
enabled Value that determines if secondary device shall be created bool false no
metro_code Two-letter secondary device location’s metro code string "" yes
account_number Billing account number for a device. If not provided, active account for a device metro code will be used string 0 no
acl_template_id Identifier of a network ACL template that will be applied on a secondary device string "" yes
additional_bandwidth Amount of additional internet bandwidth for a secondary device, in Mbps number 0 no
controller_1_ip IP address for SDWAN controller 1 string "" yes
controller_2_ip IP address for SDWAN controller 2 string "" yes
local_id Local identifier from Versa configuration in email format” string "" yes
remote_id Remote identifier from Versa configuration in email format” string "" yes
serial_number Device serial number” string "" yes


Name Description
id Device identifier
status Device provisioning status
license_status Device license status
account_number Device billing account number
cpu_count Number of device CPU cores
memory Amount of device memory
software_version Device software version
region Device region
ibx Device IBX center code
ssh_ip_address Device SSH interface IP address
ssh_ip_fqdn Device SSH interface FQDN
interfaces List of network interfaces present on a device
secondary Secondary device outputs (same as for primary). Present when secondary device was enabled