项目作者: MapmyIndia

项目描述 :
MapmyIndia Vector Map SDK for Xamarin beta release
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/MapmyIndia/mapmyindia-xamarin-sample-withSDK-beta.git

MapmyIndia APIs

MapmyIndia Vector Maps Sample App (with SDK) for Xamarin - beta RC3

Easy To Integrate Maps & Location APIs & SDKs For Web & Mobile Applications

Powered with India’s most comprehensive and robust mapping functionalities.
Now Available for Srilanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh

  1. You can get your api key to be used in this document here: https://www.mapmyindia.com/api/signup

  2. To make sure that the sample provided here works, MapmyIndia API keys, (available here: http://www.mapmyindia.com/api/dashboard) need to be set in the “MMIAuthModel” class in the sample code.

  3. The sample code is provided to help you understand the basic functionality of MapmyIndia maps & REST APIs working on Xamarin platform.

Version History

Version Last Updated Author
0.1.3 13 December 2018 MapmyIndia API Team (RK)

Getting Started

This library provides the controls/renderers for using MapmyIndia SDKs inside your Xamarin application(Android or iOS).
You can have a look at the map and features you will get in your own app by using the MapmyIndia Move app for iOS.
The SDK handles map tiles download and their display along with a bunch of controls and gestures.

API Usage

Your MapmyIndia Maps SDK usage needs a set of license keys (get them here) and is governed by the API terms and conditions.
As part of the terms and conditions, you cannot remove or hide the MapmyIndia logo and copyright information in your project.
Please see branding guidelines on MapmyIndia website for more details.
The allowed SDK hits are described on the plans page. Note that your usage is
shared between platforms, so the API hits you make from a web application, Android app or an iOS app all add up to your allowed daily limit.

Setup your Project

To initialize SDK you have to set required keys.


  1. Add reference Xam.MMI.droid in your Xamarin Android project.
  2. Add using statements for Com.Mmi.Services.Account on MainApplicationclass of project.
  3. In OnCreate method of MainApplication class use below code to set keys for SDK.
  1. using Com.Mmi.Services.Account;
  2. using Com.Mapbox.Mapboxsdk;
  3. public override void OnCreate()
  4. {
  5. base.OnCreate();
  6. RegisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this);
  7. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.Instance.RestAPIKey = YOUR MapmyIndia REST KEY”;
  8. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.Instance.MapSDKKey = YOUR MapmyIndia SDK KEY”;
  9. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.Instance.AtlasClientId = YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas CLIENT ID”;
  10. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.Instance.AtlasClientSecret = YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas CLIENT SECRET”;
  11. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.Instance.AtlasGrantType = YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas Grant Type”; // always put "client_credentials"
  12. MapmyIndia.GetInstance(this);
  13. }


  1. Add references Xam.MMI.iOS, Xam.MapMyIndia.iOS in your Xamarin iOS
  2. Add using statement for Xam.MMI.iOS in AppDelegate class of project.
  3. In FinishedLoading method of AppDelegate class use below code to set keys for SDK.
  1. using Xam.MMI.iOS;
  2. public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application,
  3. NSDictionary launchOptions)
  4. {
  5. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.MapSDKKey = new NSString(“YOUR MapmyIndia SDK KEY”);
  6. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.RestAPIKey = new NSString(“YOUR MapmyIndia REST KEY”);
  7. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.AtlasClientId = new NSString(“YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas CLIENT ID”);
  8. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.AtlasClientSecret = new NSString(“YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas CLIENT SECRET”);
  9. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.AtlasGrantType = new NSString(“YOUR MapmyIndia Atlas Grant Type”); // always "client_credentials"
  10. MapmyIndiaAccountManager.AtlasAPIVersion = new NSString(authModel.AtlasAPIVersion);
  11. return true;
  12. }

Add a map view


  1. Add using statement for Com.Mapbox.Mapboxsdk.Maps in activity class of
    Xamarin Android project.
    1. using Com.Mapbox.Mapboxsdk.Maps;
  2. Add map view on layout of activity.
    1. <com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapView
    2. android:id=“@+id/mapView"
    3. android:layout_width=“fill_parent"
    4. android:layout_height="fill_parent" ></com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapView>
  3. Create a global object of MapView in activity class.
    1. private MapView mapView;
  4. In OnCreate method of activity add code to initialize map view.
    1. mapView = FindViewById<MapView>(Resource.Id.mapView);
    2. mapView.OnCreate(bundle);
    3. mapView.GetMapAsync(this);


  1. Add using statement for Xam.MapMyIndia.iOS on ViewController class.
  2. Create a global object of MapmyIndiaMapView on ViewController class.
    1. private MapmyIndiaMapView mapView;
  3. In ViewDidLoad method of ViewController class add code to initialize map view.
    1. mapView = new MapmyIndiaMapView(View.Bounds);
    2. this.View.AddSubview(mapView);

    Map Interactions

Set Zoom Level

Set zoom to 4 for country level display and 18 for house number display.


Use CameraPosition property of map to set its zoom level. For this create an
instance of CameraPosition class and set zoom using builder pattern.

  1. var camPos = new new CameraPosition.Builder().Zoom(4).Build();
  2. mapView.CameraPosition = camPos;


  1. mapView.SetZoomLevel(4, true);

Set Map Center


Use CameraPosition property of map to set its center coordinates. For this create an instance of CameraPosition class and set Target using builder pattern.

  1. var camPos = new CameraPosition.Builder().Target(new LatLng() { Latitude = 25.321684, Longitude = 82.987289 });
  2. mapView.CameraPosition = camPos;


Create an instance of CLLocationCoordinate2D and pass this to
SetCenterCoordinate method of map.

  1. mapView.SetCenterCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(25.321684, 82.987289), false);

Map Features

User Location

Showing user location


Write your own logic by implementing some location service and,
on location change update marker on map.


To show user location on map use property showsUserLocation and set its value to true.

  1. mapView.showsUserLocation = true

Map Events

Different events can be used for map and markers and for other by implementing interfaces according to requirement and platform.


On Android, interfaces MapboxMap.IOnMapClickListener, IOnMapReadyCallback, MapboxMap.IOnMarkerClickListener etc. can be implemented on activity.

  1. public void OnMapError(int p0, string p1)
  2. public void OnMapReady(MapboxMap mapboxMap)
  3. public void OnMapClick(LatLng p0)
  4. public bool OnMarkerClick(Marker p0)

Remember to add listener to your map.

  1. mapView.SetOnMarkerClickListener(this);
  2. mapView.SetOnMapClickListener(this);


On iOS implement MGLMapViewDelegate which contains many interface methods which can be used accordingly.

  1. [Export("mapView:annotationCanShowCallout:")]
    public bool MapView_AnnotationCanShowCallout(MGLMapView mapView,MGLAnnotation annotation)
  2. [Export("mapView:calloutViewForAnnotation:")]
    public IMGLCalloutView MapView_CalloutViewForAnnotation(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)
  3. [Export("mapView:tapOnCalloutForAnnotation:")]
    void MapView_TapOnCalloutForAnnotation(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)
  4. [Export("mapView:imageForAnnotation:")]
    public MGLAnnotationImage MapView_ImageForAnnotation(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)

Remember to set reference to delegate as shown below:

  1. mapView.WeakDelegate = this;

Map Overlays

Add marker


Create an instance of MarkerOptions add this on map using AddMarker method of map. MarkerOptions will require a object of LatLng which will take coordinate points on which marker will be plotted on map.

  1. var latlng = new LatLng() { Latitude = 25.321684, Longitude = 82.987289 };
  2. var marker = new MarkerOptions();
  3. marker.SetPosition(latlng);
  4. mapbox.AddMarker(marker);


Create an instance of MGLPointAnnotation add this on map using AddAnnotation method of map. MGLPointAnnotation will require a object of CLLocationCoordinate2D which will take coordinate points on which marker will be plotted on map. Also title and Subtitle can be set in instance of MGLPointAnnotation.

  1. mapView.AddAnnotation(new MGLPointAnnotation() { Title = "New Test",
  2. Subtitle = "New Test Sub", Coordinate = new
  3. CLLocationCoordinate2D(25.321684, 82.987289) });

Remove marker


All markers can be remove using below code

  1. mapView.Clear();


Below code can be used to remove a particular marker.

  1. mapView.RemoveMarker(marker);


All markers can be remove using below code

  1. mapView.RemoveAnnotations(mapView.Annotations)


Below code can be used to remove a particular marker.

  1. mapView.RemoveAnnotation(annotation);

Custom Marker


For custom marker create an icon using IconFactory and set this icon to marker using SetIcon method of marker.

  1. var latlng = new LatLng() { Latitude = 25.321684, Longitude = 82.987289 };
  2. var marker = new MarkerOptions();
  3. marker.SetPosition(latlng);
  4. marker.SetTitle("Test Info Window");
  5. IconFactory iconFactory = IconFactory.GetInstance(_activity);
  6. Icon icon = iconFactory.FromResource(Resource.Drawable.temple);
  7. marker.SetIcon(icon);
  8. mapView.AddMarker(marker);


Use MapView_ImageForAnnotation method of MGLMapViewDelegate interface class to override image for marker. This method returns an object of
MGLAnnotationImage which can be overridden here.

  1. [Export("mapView:imageForAnnotation:")]
  2. public MGLAnnotationImage MapView_ImageForAnnotation(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)
  3. {
  4. var annotationImage = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotationImageWithIdentifier("temple");
  5. if (annotationImage == null)
  6. {
  7. var image = UIImage.FromFile("temple.png");
  8. image = image.ImageWithAlignmentRectInsets(new UIEdgeInsets(0, 0, image.Size.Height / 2, 0));
  9. annotationImage = MGLAnnotationImage.AnnotationImageWithImage(image, "temple");
  10. }
  11. return annotationImage;
  12. }

Show Marker Info Window


To enable info window on tap of marker set valid title for marker

  1. marker.SetTitle("Test Info Window”);

To disable, set null to its marker.

  1. marker.SetTitle(null);


Use MapView_AnnotationCanShowCallout method of interface MGLMapViewDelegate which returns a boolean value. To enable info window on tap of marker return true from below delegate method:

  1. [Export("mapView:annotationCanShowCallout:")]
  2. public bool MapView_AnnotationCanShowCallout(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)
  3. {
  4. // one can use this event to get a call back for marker tap.
  5. return true;
  6. }

Custom Info Window


To set custom info window for marker implement IInfoWindowAdapter interface and use GetInfoWindow method of that interface which returns a view to display, as info window. Override this view using your custom layout and return from here.

  1. public View GetInfoWindow(Marker p0)
  2. {
  3. var view = _activity.LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.infowindow, null);
  4. var txtTitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_title);
  5. txtTitle.Text = p0.Title;
  6. var txtDesc = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_description);
  7. txtDesc.Text = $"{ p0.Position.Latitude}, { p0.Position.Longitude}";
  8. var txtSubDesc = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.tooltip_sub_description);
  9. txtSubDesc.Text = $"this is test description";
  10. return view;
  11. }


To show custom info window use MapView_CalloutViewForAnnotation method of MGLMapViewDelegate interface class which returns a view to display, as info window. A custom class is created, inherited from UIView and IMGLCalloutView to return as custom info window whose code is shown as below.

  1. [Export("mapView:calloutViewForAnnotation:")]
  2. public IMGLCalloutView MapView_CalloutViewForAnnotation(MGLMapView mapView, MGLAnnotation annotation)
  3. {
  4. var callOutView = new MarkerView();
  5. callOutView.RepresentedObject = annotation;
  6. return callOutView;
  7. }


  1. public class MarkerView : UIView, IMGLCalloutView
  2. {
  3. UILabel _label = null;
  4. public MarkerView()
  5. {
  6. this.WeakDelegate = this;
  7. }
  8. public MGLAnnotation RepresentedObject { get; set; }
  9. public UIView LeftAccessoryView { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); }
  10. public UIView RightAccessoryView { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); }
  11. public NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
  12. public void DismissCalloutAnimated(bool animated)
  13. {
  14. Hide();
  15. }
  16. public void PresentCalloutFromRect(CGRect rect, UIView view, CGRect constrainedRect, bool animated)
  17. {
  18. AddShow(rect, view, true);
  19. }
  20. void Hide()
  21. {
  22. if (_label != null)
  23. {
  24. _label.Hidden = true;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. void AddShow(CGRect rect, UIView parent, bool vlaue)
  28. {
  29. if(_label != null)
  30. {
  31. _label.Hidden = false;
  32. return;
  33. }
  34. float height = 50;
  35. var centerMarker = new CGPoint(rect.X + rect.Width/2, rect.Y + rect.Height/ 2);
  36. var centerY = centerMarker.Y - (rect.Height / 2) - (height / 2);
  37. _label = new UILabel();
  38. _label.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
  39. _label.Frame = new CGRect(centerMarker.X, centerY, 100, height);
  40. _label.Text = "Test Pin";
  41. parent.AddSubview(_label);
  42. _label.Center = new CGPoint(centerMarker.X, centerY);
  43. }
  44. }


Add a Polyline


To show a polyline on map create an instance of PolylineOptions and add that object to instance of MapmyIndiaMapView using method AddPolyline.
To create instance of PolylineOptions a list of LatLng will be required so first create a list of LatLng.

  1. var list = new List<LatLng>();
  2. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.705436, Longitude = 77.100462 });
  3. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.705191, Longitude = 77.100784 });
  4. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.704646, Longitude = 77.101514 });
  5. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.704194, Longitude = 77.101171 });
  6. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.704083, Longitude = 77.101066 });
  7. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.703900, Longitude = 77.101318 });
  8. var arrayList = new ArrayList(list);
  9. var polyline = new PolylineOptions().AddAll(arrayList);
  10. polyline.InvokeColor(Color.ParseColor("#3bb2d0").ToArgb());
  11. mapView.AddPolyline(polyline);

To show a polyline on map create an instance of MGLPolyline and add that object to instance of MapmyIndiaMapView using method AddAnnotation.
To create instance of MGLPolyline an array of CLLocationCoordinate2D will be required so first create an array of CLLocationCoordinate2D.

  1. var positions = new List<CLLocationCoordinate2D>();
  2. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.705436, 77.100462));
  3. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.705191, 77.100784));
  4. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.704646, 77.101514));
  5. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.704194, 77.101171));
  6. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.704083, 77.101066));
  7. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.703900, 77.101318));
  8. var polyline = MGLPolyline.PolylineWithCoordinates(ref positions.ToArray() [0], (uint)positions.Count);
  9. mapView.AddAnnotation(polyline);

Remove a Polyline

  1. mapView.RemovePolyline(polyline);
  1. mapView.RemoveAnnotation(annotation);


Add a Polygon


To show a polyline on map create an instance of PolygonOptions and add that object to instance of MapmyIndiaMapView using method AddPolygon.
To create instance of PolylineOptions a list of LatLng will be required so first create a list of LatLng.

  1. var list = new List<LatLng>();
  2. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.703900, Longitude = 77.101318 });
  3. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.703331, Longitude = 77.10215 });
  4. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.703905, Longitude = 77.102761 });
  5. list.Add(new LatLng() { Latitude = 28.704248, Longitude = 77.102370 });
  6. var arrayList = new ArrayList(list);
  7. var polygon = new PolygonOptions().AddAll(arrayList);
  8. polygon.InvokeFillColor(Color.ParseColor("#753bb2d0").ToArgb());
  9. mapView.AddPolygon(polygon);

To show a polygon on map create an instance of MGLPolygon and add that object to instance of MGLMapView using method addAnnotation.
To create instance of MGLPolygon an array of CLLocationCoordinate2D will be required so first create an array of CLLocationCoordinate2D.

  1. var positions = new List<CLLocationCoordinate2D>();
  2. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.703900, 77.101318));
  3. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.703331, 77.10215));
  4. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.703905, 77.102761));
  5. positions.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.704248, 77.102370));
  6. var polygon = MGLPolygon.PolygonWithCoordinates(ref positions.ToArray()[0], (uint)positions.Count);
  7. // add all points
  8. map.AddAnnotation(polygon);

Remove a Polygon

  1. mapView.RemovePolygon(polygon);
  1. mapView.RemoveAnnotation(annotation);

For any queries and support, please contact:

Email us at apisupport@mapmyindia.com

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Written with StackEdit by MapmyIndia.